Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/167

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I never should have come back, had I been here before, and that I was never here before is positive. Come, Mollie, we are getting on in this deduction business. Some one mistook me for some one else, and that shows that it is not really me who is wanted. That's good.

"Then, if that's the case, the sooner the mistake is discovered, and rectified, so much the better. I shall be released as soon as that queer man in the winding sheet discovers his error.

"And he ought to do it soon, for he seemed very anxious to get me back, and doubtless he will soon come to find out why I—or the person I am supposed to be—went away."

Then Mollie had another idea. She reasoned this out as she flashed the rays of the lamp about the bare apartment.

"But why should I wait for that man to come back?" she asked herself. "There might be trouble when he discovers that I am not the person he thinks me. He may be angry. And, though doubtless Betty and the others will do all they can for me, I had better see if I can help myself.

"Oh, isn't it all queer? The folks at Home will never believe it when we tell them."

Mollie went quickly over the different happenings of the night, and tried to figure out a rea-