Page:Outlines of European History.djvu/815

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Bibliography 701 History. ^Qo'R.n.YLL, History of the People of Israel. fKENT, History oj the Hebrew People. fKENT, History of the fewish People. *Hall, The Ancient History of the Near East., chap. ix. IMacalister, A History of Civilization in Palestine (Cambridge Manuals).

  • BuDDE, The Religion of Israel to the Exile. ^Cu-eY'H-E., fewish Reli-

gious Life after the Exile. fSMiTH, J. M. Powis, The Prophet and his Problems (Scribner's). HiLPRECHT, Recent Research in Bible Lands. fMACALlSTER, A His- tory of Civilization in Palestine (Cambridge Manuals). Current reports will be found

foiirnal of the Palestine Exploratioji Fimd, and in Art 

and Archczology (see above). Day, Social Life of the Hebrews. The Old Testament in the Revised Version, t Moore, The Literature of the Old Testament. *Cornill, Introdtiction to the Canoiiical Books of the Old Testajnent. Rogers, dmeiform Parallels to the Old Testament. tBoTSFORD, A Source Book of Ancient History, chap. iv. The Underwood & Underwood Stereoscopic Photographs, edited by HuRLBUT, Traveliiig in the Holy Land through the Stereoscope (100 views with guidebook and maps). See remarks above in Preface, p. v. t(A selection of the best ten would include Nos. 8, 9, 18, 25, 39, 40, 41, 47, 61, 71.) Smith, George Adam, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. Paton, Guide to ferusalem. B. Mythology and religion C. Excava- tion and discovery D. Social life E. Original sources in English F. Palestine, its people and monuments as they are to-day CHAPTER V tBoTSFORD, Orient and Greece, chap. i. Goodspeed, Ancient World, A. Histories pp. 70-79. Westermann, Ancient N'ations, chap. vii. Kimball-Bury, Students'* Greece, chap. i. Bury, History of Greece, chap. i. Allcroft and Stout, Early Grecian History, chaps, i, iii, v. Woodhouse, Tutorial History of Greece, chaps, i-iv. fBAiKiE, J., Sea Kings of Crete. tHAWES, C. H. and H. B., Crete the Forerunner of Greece. CHAPTER VI tBoTSFORD, Orient and Greece, chaps, ii-v. Goodspeed, Ancieftt A. Histories World, pp. 79-125. Westermann, Ancient Nations, chaps, viii-xi. Kimball Bury, Students' Greece, pp. 33-40 and chaps, iv-vi. Oman, History of Greece, chaps, ix-xii. Woodhouse, Ttdorial History of Greece, chaps, v-xv. Allcroft and Stout, Early Grecian History, chaps, iv and vi-xvii. Allcroft and Masom, History of Sicily, chaps, i-ii. Bury, History of Greece, chaps, iil-v.