Page:Outlines of European History.djvu/821

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Bibliography 707 B. Source material C. Additional reading D. Moham- med and his followers Readings, chap. v. There is a Life of St. Columban, written by one of his companions, which, although short and simple in the extreme, fur- nishes a better idea of the Christian spirit of the sixth century than the longest treatise by a modern writer. This life may be found in Transla- tions and Reprints, Vol. 11, No. 7, translated by Professor Munro. The chief portions of the Benedictine Rule may be found in Henderson, E, F., Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages, pp. 74 ff. and in Thatcher and McNeal, A Source Book for Media:val History, pp. 432 ff. See map, pp. 46-47, in Shepherd, Historical Atlas, showing spread of Christianity in Europe. Ca?nbridge Mediceval History, Vol. II, chap. xvi. The most complete history of the monks is by the French writer Montalembert, The Monks of the West from St. Benedict to St. Bernard, which has been translated into English (6 vols.). .The writer's enthusiasm and excellent style make the work very attractive. For Mohammed and the Saracens, Thatcher and Schwill, Europe in the Middle Age, chap. xv. Oilman, The Saracens. Gibbon has a famous chapter on Mohammed and another on the conquests of the Arabs, These are the fiftieth and fifty-first of his great work. Cambridge Med iceval History, Vol. II, chaps, x-xii. It is not hard to find a copy of one of the English translations of the Koran. See brief extracts in Readings and in Ogg, Source Book of Medicsval History, pp. 97 ff. Stanley Lane-Poole, Speeches and Table Talk of Moha7nmed, is very interesting. MuiR, Life of Moha7mned. Ameer Alt, The Life and Teachings of Mohammed, a Short History of the Saracens, by one who sympathizes with them. CHAPTER XV Emerton, Ititroduction to the Middle Ages, chaps, xii-xiv. Bryce, A. General Holy Roman Empire, chaps, iv-v. Henderson, History of Germany in reading the Middle Ages, chaps, iv-v. Oman, Dark Ages, chaps, xix-xxii. Readings, pp. 120-125 and chap. vii. Duncalf and Krey, Parallel B. Source Source Problems in Mediczval History, pp. 3-26. material Hodgkin, Charles the Great, a small volume. Mombert, A History C. Additional of Charles the Great, the most extensive treatment in English. Cambridge eading MedicBval History, Vol. II, chaps, xviii-xix. E. Source material F. Additional reading CHAPTER XVI Emerton, Introduction to the Middle Ages, chap. xv. Oman, Dark A. General Ages, chaps, xxiii-xxv. Emerton, Mediieval Europe, chap. xiv. Adams, reading Civilization during the Middle Ages, chap. ix.