Page:Overland Journey of the Governor of New Zealand.djvu/13

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Waikato issues from it, the Governor was enthusiastically received by the well-known chief Poihipi Tukairangi, one of the signers of the Treaty of Waitangi, and by his people, with whom was held a korero, or conference. The following is a brief summary of the speeches delivered:—

Poihipi Tukairangi said: Welcome, O Governor, to Taupo! We have been long desiring to see you. For many years past we have been in great trouble. We were nearly destroyed; still a few of us have always remained firm to the Queen, and like the Horomatangi (sea god) that dwelt of yore in Lake Taupo, and in former days swallowed the evil monsters of the deep, we have now destroyed our enemies; but our joy at welcoming you to Taupo recompenses us for the past troubles. Taupo is yours, the lake, and all the lands around, and all the people. Take them all. You come as the sign of peace. Welcome! for you are our father. We desire to commemorate your arrival amongst us by naming some place after you. We should like that the town to be founded here should be called after you. We feel now as if new life were given us, when we see the Governor in our midst. We know that we are not forgotten. The people now here represent the feeling of the whole tribe. Welcome! Welcome! (Then followed a song of welcome, in the chorus of which all joined).

Reweti Te Kume said: Welcome, O Governor, to Taupo! Come and instruct us in all the laws, thoughts, and works of the Europeans. Taupo is yours, the lake, the people, and the land: yours to