Page:Overland Journey of the Governor of New Zealand.djvu/19

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of welcoming you here, so that we may speak to you as a father who takes care of us and gives us counsel and instruction. Taupo is yours; Tongariro is yours; they are in your hands. The Ngatituwharetoa, living on the west shore of the lake, have come in to you. They will require constant attention; it is only thus you will keep those people right. Do not neglect them. Do not neglect Taupo. Raise us up. The country is yours; open it up. Governor Grey told us to take care that Taupo was properly managed. He said, "Keep Taupo together." We are now waiting to hear what this Governor will say.

Kingi Herekiekie: Welcome, O Governor, to Taupo. Be steadfast to lead us right. Matuahu has not long surrendered to you. We require constant guidance, for we have but just commenced to be wholly in the hands of the Government. Be careful about buying land at Taupo, so that all may hear whose land is bought, so that all may get their fair share of the price given. Welcome, O Governor.

Topia Turoa: Welcome, O Governor. I belong to Taupo as well as to Whanganui. Men and land have been the cause of my troubles—Tawhiao and the boundaries of our land. I was a stray sheep that went astray, and more joy was shown at my return than for the ninety-and-nine that had remained in the fold. I look upon Taupo with a jealous eye; I observe all that has been done up to the present time, and it is all good. All that has been done here has tended to raise the people; all has been done for the good of the people.