Page:Overland Journey of the Governor of New Zealand.djvu/8

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GOVERNOR SIR GEORGE BOWEN had for some time determined to travel overland across the central and recently hostile districts of New Zealand, for all those best qualified to judge were of opinion that a visit from the representative of the Queen to the Maori clans of the interior would be productive of great public advantage to the colony. In the first place it would powerfully help to confirm in their loyalty the well-affected natives, and also to bring back to their allegiance those recently in arms against the Queen; in the second place, the fact of the Governor having himself traversed in safety and confidence districts lately inaccessible to Europeans would be considered in England a proof of the restored tranquillity of the country, and would thus exercise a favourable influence in promoting immigration to New Zealand.

The overland route between Wellington and Auckland is by Napier (the chief town of the province of Hawke's Bay) and by the great inland lake of Taupo.