Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 1) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/38

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last that of a Snake; the Heroe smiles in Contempt.

Cunarum labor est angues superare mearum.

Ovid never excells himself so much, as when he takes Occasion to touch upon the Passion of Love; all Hearts are in a manner sensible of the same Emotions; and, like Instruments tun'd Unisons, if a String of any one of them be struck, the rest, by consent, vibrate.

Procris is jealous of Cephalus; she endeavours to be confirm'd in her Fears, but hopes the contrary,

——Speratque miserrima falli.

The next is not less natural,

——Sed cuncta timemus amantes.

Biblis is in love with Caunus. The Struggle is betwixt her unlawful Flame, and her Honour.

She's all Confusion at the Thoughts of discovering her Passion——

——miserere fatentis amorem.

She attempts to write,

Incipit & dubitat: scribit, damnatque tabellas,
Et notat, & delet: mutat, culpatque probatque.
