Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/113

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Book 10.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Hunts not the grinning Wolf, or foamy Boar,
And trembles at the Lion's hungry Roar.
Thee too, Adonis, with a Lover's Care
She warns, if warn'd thou wou'dst avoid the Snare.
To furious Animals advance not nigh,
Fly those that follow, follow those that fly;
'Tis Chance alone must the Survivors save,
Whene'er brave Spirits will attempt the Brave.
O! lovely Youth! in harmless Sports delight;
Provoke not Beasts, which, arm'd by Nature, fight.
For me, if not thy self, vouchsafe to fear;
Let not thy Thirst of Glory cost me dear.
Boars know not how to spare a blooming Age;
No sparkling Eyes can sooth the Lion's Rage.
Not all thy Charms a savage Beast can move,
Which have so deeply touch'd the Queen of Love.
When bristled Boars from beaten Thickets spring,
In grinded Tusks a Thunderbolt they bring.
The daring Hunters Lions rouz'd devour,
Vast is their Fury, and as vast their Pow'r:
Curst be their tawny Race! If thou would'st hear
What kindled thus my Hate; then lend an Ear:
The wond'rous Tale I will to thee unfold,
How the fell Monsters rose from Crimes of old.
But by long Toils I faint: See! wide-display'd,
A grateful Poplar courts us with a Shade.
The grassy Turf, beneath, so verdant shows,
We may secure delightfully repose.
With her Adonis here be Venus blest;
And swift at once the Grass, and him she prest.
Then sweetly smiling, with a raptur'd Mind,
On his lov'd Bosom she her Head reclin'd,
And thus began; but mindful still of Bliss,
Seal'd the soft Accents with a softer Kiss.
Perhaps thou may'st have heard a Virgin's Name,
Who still in Swiftness swiftest Youths o'ercame.
