Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/155

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Book 11.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Where last he stood: And while she sadly said,
'Twas here he left me, lingring here delay'd
His parting Kiss, and there his Anchors weigh'd.
Thus speaking, while her Thoughts past Actions trace,
And call to Mind, admonish'd by the Place,
Sharp at her utmost Ken she cast her Eyes,
And somewhat floating from afar descries:
It seem'd a Corps a-drift to distant Sight,
But at a Distance who could judge aright?
It wafted nearer yet, and then she knew,
That what before she but surmis'd, was true:
A Corps it was, but whose it was, unknown,
Yet mov'd, howe'er, she made the Case her own:
Took the bad Omen of a shipwreck'd Man,
As for a Stranger wept, and thus began.
Poor Wretch, on stormy Seas to lose thy Life,
Unhappy thou, but more thy widow'd Wife!
At this she paus'd; for now the flowing Tide
Had brought the Body nearer to the Side:
The more she looks, the more her Fears increase,
At nearer Sight; and she's her self the less:
Now driv'n ashore, and at her Feet it lies,
She knows too much, in knowing whom she sees:
Her Husband's Corps; at this she loudly shrieks,
'Tis he, 'tis he, she cries, and tears her Cheeks,
Her Hair, and Vest; and stooping to the Sands,
About his Neck she cast her trembling Hands.
And is it thus, O dearer than my Life,
Thus, thus return'st thou to thy longing Wife!
She said, and to the neighbouring Mole she strode,
(Rais'd there to break th' Incursions of the Flood;)
Headlong from hence to plunge her self she springs,
But shoots along, supported on her Wings;
A Bird new-made, about the Banks she plies,
Not far from Shore, and short Excursions tries;

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