Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/158

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 11.

Tethys receiv'd him gently on the Wave;
The Death he sought deny'd, and Feathers gave.
Debarr'd the surest Remedy of Grief,
And forced to live, he curst th' unask'd Relief.
Then on his airy Pinions upward flies,
And at a second Fall successless tries;
The downy Plume a quick Descent denies.
Enrag'd, he often dives beneath the Wave,
And there in vain expects to find a Grave.
His ceaseless Sorrow for th' unhappy Maid,
Meager'd his Look, and on his Spirits prey'd.
Still near the sounding Deep he lives; his Name
From frequent Diving and Emerging came.

The End of the Eleventh Book.