Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/171

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Book 12.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

'Twas Eurytus began: His bestial Kind
His Crime pursu'd; and each as pleas'd his Mind,
Or her, whom Chance presented, took: The Feast
An Image of a taken Town express'd.
The Cave resounds with Female Shrieks; we rise,
Mad with Revenge, to make a swift Reprise:
And Theseus first, What Frenzy has possess'd,
O Eurytus, he cry'd, thy brutal Breast,
To wrong Perithous, and not him alone,
But while I live, two Friends conjoin'd in one?
To justifie his Threat, he thrusts aside
The Croud of Centaurs; and redeems the Bride:
The Monster nought reply'd: For Words were vain,
And Deeds cou'd only Deeds unjust maintain:
But answers with his Hand; and forward press'd,
With Blows redoubled, on his Face, and Breast.
An ample Goblet stood, of antick Mold,
And rough with Figures of the rising Gold;
The Hero snatch'd it up, and toss'd in Air
Full at the Front of the foul Ravisher.
He falls; and falling vomits forth a Flood
Of Wine, and Foam, and Brains, and mingled Blood.
Half roaring, and half neighing through the Hall,
Arms, Arms, the double-form'd with Fury call;
To wreak their Brother's Death: A Medley-Flight
Of Bowls, and Jars, at first supply the Fight,
Once Instruments of Feasts; but now of Fate;
Wine animates their Rage, and arms their Hate.
Bold Amycus, from the robb'd Vestry brings
The Chalices of Heav'n; and holy Things
Of precious Weight: A Sconce, that hung on high,
With Tapers fill'd, to light the Sacristy,
Torn from the Cord, with his unhallow'd Hand
He threw amid the Lapythæan Band.
On Celadon the Ruin fell; and left
His Face of Feature, and of Form bereft:
