Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/174

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 12.

Pholus, and Melaneus from Fight withdrew,
And Abas maim'd, who Boars encountring slew:
And Augur Astylos, whose Art in vain,
From Fight dissuaded the four-footed Train,
Now beat the Hoof with Nessus on the Plain;
But to his Fellow cry'd, be safely slow,
Thy Death deferr'd is due to Great Alcides' Bow.
Mean time strong Dryas urg'd his Chance so well,
That Lycidas, Areos, Imbreus fell;
All, one by one, and fighting Face to Face:
Crenæus fled, to fall with more Disgrace:
For, fearful, while he look'd behind, he bore,
Betwixt his Nose, and Front, the Blow before.
Amid the Noise, and Tumult of the Fray,
Snoring, and drunk with Wine, Aphidas lay.
Ev'n then the Bowl within his Hand he kept,
And on a Bear's rough Hide securely slept.
Him Phorbas with his flying Dart transfix'd;
Take thy next Draught, with Stygian Waters mix'd,
And sleep thy fill, th' insulting Victor cry'd;
Surpriz'd with Death unfelt, the Centaur dy'd;
The ruddy Vomit, as he breath'd his Soul,
Repass'd his Throat, and fill'd his empty Bowl.
I saw Petræus' Arms employed around
A well-grown Oak, to root it from the Ground.
This way, and that, he wrench'd the fibrous Bands;
The Trunk, was like a Sappling, in his Hands,
And still obey'd the Bent: While thus he stood,
Perithous' Dart drove on; and nail'd him to the Wood;
Lycus, and Chromis fell, by him oppress'd:
Helops, and Dictis added to the rest
A nobler Palm: Helops, through either Ear
Transfix'd receiv'd the penetrating Spear.
This Dictis saw; and, seiz'd with sudden Fright,
Leapt headlong from the Hill of steepy height;
And crush'd an Ash beneath, that cou'd not bear his Weight.
