Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/179

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Book 12.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Then I was Hector's Match in open Field;
But he was then unborn; at least a Child:
Now, I am nothing. I forbear to tell
By Periphantas how Pyretus fell;
The Centaur by the Knight: Nor will I stay
On Amphix, or what Deaths he dealt that Day:
What Honour, with a pointless Lance, he won,
Stuck in the Front of a Four-footed Man.
What Fame young Macareus obtain'd in Fight:
Or dwell on Nessus, now return'd from Flight.
How Prophet Mopsus not alone divin'd,
Whose Valour equal'd his foreseeing Mind.

Cæneus transform'd to an Eagle.

Already Cæneus, with his conquering Hand,
Had slaughter'd five the boldest of their Band.
Pyrachmus, Helymus, Antimachus,
Bromas the Brave, and stronger Stiphelus,
Their Names I number'd, and remember well,
No Trace remaining, by what Wounds they fell.
Laitreus, the bulki'st of the double Race,
Whom the spoil'd Arms of slain Halesus grace,
In Years retaining still his Youthful Might,
Though his black Hairs were interspers'd with White,
Betwixt th' imbattled Ranks began to prance,
Proud of his Helm, and Macedonian Lance;
And rode the Ring around; that either Hoast
Might hear him, while he made this empty Boast,
And from a Strumpet shall we suffer Shame,
For Cænis still, not Cæneus is thy Name:
And still the Native Softness of thy Kind
Prevails; and leaves the Woman in thy Mind;
Remember what thou wert; what Price was paid
To change thy Sex; to make thee not a Maid;
