Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/197

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Book 13.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

And till the threatning Influence was past,
A Woman's Habit on the Hero cast:
All Eyes were cozen'd by the borrow'd Vest,
And Ajax (never wiser than the rest)
Found no Pelides there: At length I came
With proffer'd Wares to this pretended Dame;
She, not discover'd by her Mien, or Voice,
Betray'd her Manhood by her manly Choice;
And while on Female Toys her Fellows look,
Grasp'd in her Warlike Hand, a Javelin shook;
Whom, by this Act reveal'd, I thus bespoke:
O Goddess-born! resist not Heav'n's Decree,
The Fall of Ilium is reserv'd for thee;
Then seiz'd him, and produc'd in open Light,
Sent blushing to the Field the fatal Knight.
Mine then are all his Actions of the War;
Great Telephus was conquer'd by my Spear,
And after cur'd: To me the Thebans owe,
Lesbos, and Tenedos their overthrow;
Syros and Cylla: Not on all to dwell,
By me Lyrnesus, and strong Chrysa fell:
And since I sent the Man who Hector slew,
To me the noble Hector's Death is due:
Those Arms I put into his living Hand,
Those Arms, Pelides dead, I now demand.
When Greece was injur'd in the Spartan Prince,
And met at Aulis to avenge th' Offence,
'Twas a dead Calm, or adverse Blasts, that reign'd,
And in the Port the Wind-bound Fleet detain'd:
Bad Signs were seen, and Oracles severe,
Were daily thunder'd in our Gen'ral's Ear;
That by his Daughter's Blood we must appease
Diana's kindled Wrath, and free the Seas.
Affection, Int'rest, Fame, his Heart assail'd;
But soon the Father o'er the King prevail'd:
Bold, on himself he took the pious Crime,
As angry with the Gods, as they with him.
