Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/218

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 13.

The Soldier follows, and demands the Dames;
If held by Force, immediate War proclaims.
Fear conquer'd Nature in their Brother's Mind,
And gave them up to Punishment assign'd.
Forgive the Deed; nor Hector's Arm was there,
Nor thine, Æneas, to maintain the War;
Whose only Force upheld your Ilium's Tow'rs,
For ten long Years, against the Grecian Pow'rs.
Prepar'd to bind their Captive Arms in Bands,
To Heav'n they rear'd their yet unfetter'd Hands,
Help, Bacchus, Author of the Gift, they pray'd;
The Gift's great Author gave immediate Aid;
If such Destruction of their human Frame
By Ways so wond'rous, may deserve the Name;
Nor could I hear, nor can I now relate
Exact, the manner of their alter'd State;
But this in gen'ral of my Loss I knew,
Transform'd to Doves, on milky Plumes they flew,
Such as on Ida's Mount thy Consort's Chariot drew.
With such Discourse, they entertain'd the Feast;
Then rose from Table, and withdrew to Rest.
The following Morn, e'er Sol was seen to shine,
Th' inquiring Trojans sought the sacred Shrine;
The Mystick Pow'r commands them to explore
Their ancient Mother, and a Kindred Shore.
Attending to the Sea, the gen'rous Prince
Dismiss'd his Guests with rich Munificence,
In old Anchises' Hand a Sceptre plac'd,
A Vest, and Quiver young Ascanius grac'd,
His Sire, a Cup; which from th' Aoxian Coast,
Ismenian Therses sent his Royal Host.
Alcon of Mylè made what Therses sent,
And carv'd thereon this ample Argument.
A Town with sev'n distinguish'd Gates was shown,
Which spoke its Name, and made the City known;
