Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/220

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 13.

Ambracia's State, in former Ages known
The Strife of Gods, the Judge transform'd to Stone
They saw; for Actian Phœbus since renown'd,
Who Cæsar's Arms with Naval Conquest crown'd;
Next pass'd Dodona, wont of old to boast
Her vocal Forest; and Châonia's Coast,
Where King Molossus' Sons on Wings aspir'd,
And saw secure the harmless Fewel fir'd.
Now to Phæacia's happy Isle they came,
For fertile Orchards known to early Fame;
Epirus past, they next beheld with Joy
A second Ilium, and fictitious Troy;
Here Trojan Helenus the Sceptre sway'd,
Who show'd their Fate, and Mystick Truths display'd,
By him confirm'd, Sicilia's Isle they reach'd,
Whose Sides to Sea three Promontories stretch'd;
Pachynos to the stormy South is plac'd,
On Lilybæum blows the gentle West,
Peloro's Cliffs the Northern Bear survey,
Who rolls above, and dreads to touch the Sea.
By this they steer, and favour'd by the Tide,
Secure by Night in Zancle's Harbour ride.
Here cruel Scylla guards the rocky Shore,
And there the Waves of loud Charybdis roar:
This sucks, and vomits Ships, and Bodies drown'd;
And rav'nous Dogs the Womb of that surround,
In Face a Virgin; and (if ought be true
By Bards recorded) once a Virgin too.
A Train of Youths in vain desir'd her Bed;
By Sea-Nymphs lov'd, to Nymphs of Seas she fled;
The Maid to these, with Female Pride, display'd
Their baffled Courtship, and their Love betray'd.
When Galatea thus bespoke the Fair,
(But first she sigh'd) while Scylla comb'd her Hair;
You, lovely Maid, a gen'rous Race pursues,
Whom safe you may (as now you do) refuse;
