Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/28

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 8.

Now learn the Diff'rence, at your proper Cost,
Betwixt true Valour, and an empty Boast.
At this advanc'd, and sudden as the Word,
In proud Plexippus' Bosom plung'd the Sword:
Toxeus amaz'd, and with Amazement slow,
Or to revenge, or ward the coming Blow,
Stood doubting; and while doubting thus he stood,
Receiv'd the Steel bath'd in his Brother's Blood.
Pleas'd with the first, unknown the second News;
Althæa to the Temples pays their Dues
For her Son's Conquest; when at length appear
Her grisly Brethren stretch'd upon the Bier:
Pale at the sudden Sight, she chang'd her Cheer,
And with her Cheer her Robes; but hearing tell
The Cause, the Manner, and by whom they fell,
'Twas Grief no more, or Grief and Rage were one
Within her Soul; at last 'twas Rage alone;
Which burning upwards in Succession, dries
The Tears, that stood considering in her Eyes.
There lay a Log unlighted on the Hearth,
When she was lab'ring in the Throws of Birth
For th' unborn Chief; the fatal Sisters came,
And rais'd it up, and toss'd it on the Flame:
Then on the Rock a scanty Measure place
Of vital Flax, and turn'd the Wheel apace;
And turning sung, To this red Brand and thee,
O new-born Babe, we give an equal Destiny:
So vanish'd out of view. The frighted Dame
Sprung hasty from her Bed, and quench'd the Flame:
The Log, in secret lock'd, she kept with Care,
And that, while thus preserv'd, preserv'd her Heir.
This Brand she now produc'd; and first she strows
The Hearth with Heaps of Chips, and after blows;
Thrice heav'd her Hand, and heav'd, she thrice repress'd:
The Sister, and the Mother long contest,
Two doubtful Titles, in one tender Breast:
