Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/34

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 8.

Acharnia's River-God dispos'd the rest,
Grac'd with the equal Honour of the Feast,
Elate with Joy, and proud of such a Guest.
The Nymphs were waiters, and with naked Feet
In Order serv'd the Courses of the Meat.
The Banquet done, delicious Wine they brought,
Of one Transparent Gem the Cup was wrought.
Then the great Heroe of this gallant Train,
Surveying far the Prospect of the Main;
What is that Land, says he, the Waves embrace?
(And with his Finger pointed at the Place;)
Is it one parted Isle which stands alone?
How nam'd? and yet methinks it seems not one.
To whom the watry God made this reply;
'Tis not one Isle, but five; distinct they lie;
'Tis Distance which deceives the cheated Eye.
But that Diana's Act may seem less strange,
These once proud Naiads were, before their Change.
'Twas on a Day more solemn than the rest,
Ten Bullocks slain, a Sacrificial Feast:
The rural Gods of all the Region near
They bid to dance, and taste the hallow'd Cheer.
Me they forgot: Affronted with the Slight,
My Rage, and Stream swell'd to the greatest Height;
And with the Torrent of my flooding store,
Large Woods from Woods, and Fields from Fields I tore.
The Guilty Nymphs, oh! then, remembring me,
I, with their Country, wash'd into the Sea;
And joyning Waters with the Social Main,
Rent the gross Land, and split the firm Champagne.
Since, the Echinades, remote from Shore
Are view'd as many Isles, as Nymphs before.
