Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/39

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Book 8.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Stood Beechen Bowls; and these were shining clean,
Varnish'd with Wax without, and lin'd within.
By this the boiling Kettle had prepar'd,
And to the smoaking Table sent the smoaking Lard;
On which with eager Appetite they dine,
A sav'ry Bit, that serv'd to relish Wine:
The Wine itself was suiting to the rest,
Still working in the Must, and lately press'd.
The second Course succeeds like that before,
Plums, Apples, Nuts, and of their wintry Store
Dry Figs, and Grapes, and wrinkled Dates were set
In Canisters, t'enlarge the little Treat:
All these a Milk-white Honey-Comb surround,
Which in the Midst the Country-Banquet crown'd:
But the kind Hosts their Entertainment grace
With hearty Welcome, and an open Face:
In all they did, you might discern with Ease,
A willing Mind, and a Desire to please.
Mean time the Beechen Bowls went round, and still,
Though often empty'd, were observ'd to fill;
Fill'd without Hands, and of their own Accord
Ran without Feet, and danc'd about the Board.
Devotion seiz'd the Pair, to see the Feast
With Wine, and of no common Grape, encreas'd;
And up they held their Hands, and fell to Pray'r,
Excusing, as they could, their Country Fare.
One Goose they had, ('twas all they could allow)
A wakeful Gentry, and on Duty now,
Whom to the Gods for Sacrifice they vow:
Her with malicious Zeal the couple view'd;
She ran for Life, and limping they persu'd:
Full well the Fowl perceiv'd their bad Intent,
And would not make her Master's Compliment;
But persecuted, to the Pow'rs she flies,
And close between the Legs of Jove she lies:
