Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/47

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Book 8.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Or as the Fire, which all Materials burns,
And wasted Forests into Ashes turns,
Grows more voracious, as the more it preys,
Recruits dilate the Flame, and spread the Blaze.
So impious Erisichthon's Hunger raves,
Receives Refreshments, and Refreshments craves.
Food raises a Desire for Food, and Meat
Is but a new Provocative to eat.
He grows more empty, as the more supply'd,
And endless Cramming but extends the Void.

The Transformations of Erisichthon's Daughter.

Now Riches hoarded by Paternal Care
Were sunk, the Glutton swallowing up the Heir.
Yet the devouring Flame no Stores abate,
Nor less his Hunger grew with his Estate.
One Daughter left, as left his keen Desire,
A Daughter worthy of a better Sire:
Her too he sold, spent Nature to sustain;
She scorn'd a Lord with generous Disdain,
And flying, spread her Hands upon the Main.
Then pray'd; Grant, Thou, I Bondage may escape,
And with my Liberty reward thy Rape;
Repay my Virgin Treasure with thy Aid,
('Twas Neptune who deflower'd the beauteous Maid.)
The God was mov'd, at what the Fair had su'd,
When she so lately by her Master view'd
In her known Figure, on a sudden took
A Fisher's Habit, and a manly Look.
To whom her Owner hasted to enquire;
O thou, said he, whose Baits hide treach'rous Wire;
Whose Art can manage, and experienc'd Skill
The taper Angle, and the bobbing Quill,

Vol. II.