Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/63

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Book 9.
Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Me you've oblig'd. Be all your Fears forborn,
Th' OEtean Fires do thou, great Hero, Scorn.
Who vanquish'd all things, shall subdue the Flame.
That part alone of gross maternal Frame
Fire shall devour; while what from me he drew
Shall live immortal, and its Force subdue;
That, when he's dead. I'll raise to Realms above;
May all the Pow'rs the righteous Act approve.
If any God dissent, and judge too great
The sacred Honours of the heav'nly Seat,
Ev'n he shall own his Deeds deserve the Sky,
Ev'n he reluctant, shall at length comply.
Th' assembled Pow'rs assent. No Frown till now
Had marked with Passion vengeful Juno's Brow.
Mean while what e'er was in the Pow'r of Flame
Was all consum'd; his Body's nervous Frame
No more was known, of human Form bereft,
Th' eternal Part of Jove alone was left.
As an old Serpent casts his scaly Vest,
Wreaths in the Sun, in youthful Glory drest;
So when Alcides mortal Mold resign'd,
His better Part enlarg'd, and grew refin'd;
August his Visage shone; Almighty Jove
In his swift Car his honour'd Offspring drove;
High o'er the hollow Clouds the Coursers fly,
And lodge the Hero in the Starry Sky.

The Transformation of Galanthis.

Atlas perceiv'd the Load of Heav'n's new Guest.
Revenge still rancour'd in Eurestheus' Breast
Against Alcides' Race. Alcmena goes
To Iole, to vent maternal Woes;
Here she pours forth her Grief, recounts the Spoils
Her Son had bravely reap'd in glorious Toils.
