Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/1087

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Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 549–555.
Coleridge, Sara, 661, 662.
Collins, William, 457–460.
Congreve, William, 431, 432.
Constable, Henry, 110.
Cory, William (Johnson), 758–9.
Cotton, Charles, 396.
Cowley, Abraham, 349–353.
Cowper, William, 470, 471.
Crabbe, George, 480–482.
Crashaw, Richard, 336–342.
Cunningham, Allan, 589–591.
Cunninghame-Graham, Robert, of Gartmore, 469.
Cust, Henry, 876.
Cutts, Lord, 421.
Daniel, Samuel, 111–113.
Darley, George, 640–642.
Davenant, Sir William, 301–303.
Davidson, John, 850, 851.
Davies, Sir John, 181.
Davison, F. or W. (?), 64.
Dekker, Thomas, 204.
De Vere, Aubrey, 732, 733.
De Vere, Sir Aubrey, 602.
Dobell, Sydney, 765–768.
Dobson, Henry Austin, 824–826.
Donne, John, 195–202.
Dorset, Earl of, 408.
Drayton, Michael, 116–120.
Drummond, William, of Hawthornden, 224–232.
Dryden, John, 398–402.
Dufferin, Lady, 691.
Dunbar, William, 18–21.
D’Urfey, Thomas, 395.
Edwardes, Richard, 46.
Elliott, Ebenezer, 587, 588.
Elliot, Jane, 466.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 669–672.
Etherege, Sir George, 404, 405.
Fanshawe, Sir Richard, 329.
Ferguson, Sir Samuel, 712–714.
FitzGerald, Edward, 697, 698.
Flatman, Thomas, 407.
Fletcher, Giles, 233.
Fletcher, John, 141–143 (?), 207-217.
Fletcher, Phineas, 222.
Ford, John, 235.
Fox, George, 734.
Gascoigne, George, 47.
Gay, John, 439.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 467, 468.
Gosse, Edmund, 845.
Gray, Thomas, 453–456.
Greene, Robert, 103–105.
Greville, Fanny, 475.
Griffin, Gerald, 663.
Grimald, Nicholas, 42.
Habington, William, 297, 298.
Harte, Bret, 813.
Hawes, Stephen, 32, 33.
Hawker, Robert Stephen, 674, 675.
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, 622.
Henley, William Ernest, 842–844.
Henryson, Robert, 16, 17.
Herbert, George, 281–286.
Herrick, Robert, 247–275.
Heywood, John (?), 53.
Heywood, Thomas, 205, 206.
Hinkson, Katharine Tynan, 877.
Hoccleve, Thomas, 13.
Hood, Thomas, 647–654.
Hogg, James, 513, 514.
Horne, Richard Henry, 673.
Houghton, Lord, 710.
Howells, William Dean, 82.
Hume, Alexander, 106.
Hunt, Leigh, 592.
Hyde, Douglas, 858.