Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/433

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'And I will build a bonny ship,
  And set her on the sea,
And ye sal gae and seek your love,
  Your ain love Gregory.'

Then he's gart build a bonny ship,
  And set it on the sea,
Wi' four-and-twenty mariners,
  To bear her company.

O he's gart build a bonny ship,
  To sail on the salt sea;
The mast was o' the beaten gold,
  The sails o' cramoisie.

The sides were o' the gude stout aik,
  The deck o' mountain pine,
The anchor o' the silver shene,
  The ropes o' silken twine.

She hadna sail'd but twenty leagues,
  But twenty leagues and three,
When she met wi' a rank reiver,
  And a' his companie.

'Now are ye Queen of Heaven hie,
  Come to pardon a' our sin?
Or are ye Mary Magdalane,
  Was born at Bethlam?'

'I'm no the Queen of Heaven hie,
  Come to pardon ye your sin,
Nor am I Mary Magdalane,
  Was born in Bethlam.

cramoisie] crimson. reiver] robber.