Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/116

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Quhen all luvaris rejoicit benc And most desirous of their prey,

I heard a lusty luvar mene

  • I luve, but I dare nocht assay!

'Strong are the pains I daily prove,

But yet with patience I sustene, I am so fetterit with the luve

Only of my lady sheen,

Quhilk for her beauty micht be queen, Nature so craftily alway

Has done depaint that sweet serene: Quhom I luve I dare nocht assay.

'She is so bricht of hyd and hue,

I luve but her alone, I ween, Is none her luve that may eschew,

That blinkis of that dulce amene;

So comely cleir are her twa een That she mac luvaris dois affray

Than ever of Greece did fair Hclene: Quhom I luve I dare nocht assay


��5P Lusty May

1 6th Cent

LUSTY May, with Flora queen' The balmy dropis from Phoebus sheen Preluciand beams before the day. By that Diana growis green

Through gladness of this lusty May.

5<? mene] mourn. hyd] skin. blinkis] gets a glimpse dulce amene] gentle and pleasant one. mae] more. 59 sheen] bright.

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