Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/145

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Bring hether the Pincke and purple Cullambine,

With Gelhflowers; Bring Coronations, and Sops-in-wine

Worne of Paramoures:

Strowe me the ground with Daffadowndillies, And Cowslips, and Kingcups, and loved Lillics:

The pretie Pawnee,

And the Chevisaunce, Shall match with the fayre flowre Delice.

Now ryse up, Elisa, decked as thou art

In royall aray; And now ye da in tie Damsells may depart

Eche one her way.

I feare I have troubled your troupes to longe: Let dame Elisa thanke you for her song:

And if you come hether

When Damsines I gether, I will part them all you among.

��po lambicum Trimetrum

T TNHAPPY Verse, the witnesse of my unhappie state, \*J Make thy belfe fluttrmg wings of thy fast flying

Thought, and fly forth unto my Love, whcrsoever she be. Whether lying rcastle&sc in heavy bed, or else

Sitting so cheerelebse at the chcerfull boord, or else Playing alone carelcbse on her heavenhe Virginals, f in Bed, tell her that my eyes can take no rest;

89 coronations] carnations. sops-in-wine] striped pinks. awnce] pansy, chevisaunce] wallflower, flowre delice] ins.

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