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Fronde, James Anthony, born at Dartington, Devon, 23 July, 1818 ; y.s. Robert, archdeacon of Totnes ; Oriel, matric. 10 Dec, 35, aged 17 (from West- minster school), R.A. 42 ; fellow Exeter 42-9, M.A. 43, hon. fellow 82 (Honours : — 2 classics 40, English essay 42) ; regius professor of modern history and fellow of Oriel 92 ; hon. LL.D. and rector of St. Andrew's University 69, availed him- self of the clerical disabilities act 72, commissioner of the Cape of Good Hope 745 ; editor of ' Frazer's magazine,' which he resigned 81, author of a 'history of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth,' etc., executor and biographer of Carlyle. See Men and Women of the Time.


Smith, Goldwin, hon. fellow 1867 ; hon. fellow Uni- versity Coll. , where see page 30.

G-OSChen, Rt. Hon. George Joachim, born at Stoke Newington, Middlesex, 10 Aug., 1831 ; is. William Henry, of London, merchant. Oriel, matric. 22 May, 50, aged 18 (from Rugby), B.A. and M.A. 75, D.C.L., 22 June, 81, hon. fellow 82 (Honours : — 1 classical mods. 52, 1 classics 53), treasurer 52, and president of the Oxford union society 53 ; hon. LL.D. Cambridge, 9 June, 88 ; director bank of England 58-65, M. P. London 63-80, Ripon 80-5, East Edinburgh 85-6, St. George's, Han- over Square since 87, vice-president board of trade 65-6, p. C. 65, chancellor of the duchy of Lan- caster 66, president poor law board 68-71, first lord of the admiralty 71-4, minister plenipotentiary Con- stantinople 80-1, ecclesiastical commissioner 82-5, chancellor of the exchequer 87-92, president of statistical society 86, lord rector of Aberdeen uni- versity 87, and of Edinburgh university 90. See Men and Women of the Time.

Wright, Hon. Sir Robert Samuel, born at Litton, Somerset, 1839 ; is. Henry Edward, cler. Balliol, matric. 6 June, 56, aged 17 (from Bruton school), scholar 57-60, Jenkyns exhibitioner 60, B.A. 61 ; fellow Oriel 61-80, B.C.L. 63, M.A. 64, hon. fellow 82 (Honours : — accessit Hertford scholarship 57, 1 classical mods. 59, Latin verse 59, proxime accessit

59, and accessit Ireland scholarship 60, 1 classics

60, Craven scholarship 61, English essay 61, Arnold essay 62), classical moderator 68 ; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 65, common law junior counsel to the treasury, a judge high court of justice queen's bench division 91, knighted 20 March, 91. See Men and Women of the Time.

Stubbs, Rt. Rev. William, born at Knaresborough, 21 June, 182=; ; is. William Morley, of Knaresborough, Yorks, gent. Christ Church, matric. 23 April, 44, aged 19 (from Ripon school), servitor 44-8, B.A. 48; fellow Trinity 48-51, M.A. 51; fellow Oriel 67-84, and hon. fellow 88, hon. fellow Balliol 76, hon student Christ Church 78, D.D. by decree 10 June, 79 (Honours : — 1 classics and 3 mathematics 48) ; regius professor of modern history 66-84, examiner law and history 65, 6, theology 71, 2, and history 73, 4, 7, 8, 82, 3, select preacher 70, 87 ; diocesan inspector of schools for Rochester, 60-6, librarian and keeper of the MSS. at Lambeth 62-7, vicar of Navestock, Essex, 50-67, rector of Cholderton, Wilts, 75-9, canon of St. Paul's 79-84, bishop of Chester 84-8, and of Oxford 89, with the chancellorship of the order of the garter 89 ; hon. LL.D. Cambridge 79. and Edinburgh 80, hon. J.U.D. Heidelberg 86, hon. LL.D. Dublin 90, president of the Surtees society 84, and hon. member of various art societies and academies author of the " Constitutional History of England." See Men and Women of the Time.


Denison, George Anthony, born at Ossington, Notts, 11 Dec, 1805; 4s. John Denison-Ossington, m.p. Christ Church, matric. 14 Nov., 23, aged 17 (from Eton), B.A. 27; fellow Oriel 28-38, M.A. 30, tutor 31 (Honours: — 1 classics 26, Latin essay 28, English essay 29) ; vicar of Broadwinsor, Dorset, 38-45, and of East Brent, Somerset, 45, prebendary of Wells, and archdeacon of Taunton 51.

Mozley, Thomas, born at Gainsborough 1807 ; 3 s - Henry, arm. Oriel, matric 17 Feb., 25, aged 18 (from the Charterhouse), B.A. 28, fellow 29-37, M.A. 31 (Honours :—3 classics 28) ; sometime on staff of "The Times," perpetual curate Moreton Pinckney, Northants, 32-6, of Cholderton, Wilts, 36-47, and of Plymtree, Devon, 68-80, etc. For list of his writings see Crockford.

Daman, Rev. Charles, born at Romsey, Hants, 20 June, 1813 ; 3s. William Charles, gent. Queen's, matric. 1 1 Nov. , 30, aged 17, demy Magdalen 32-6, B.A. 34 ; fellow Oriel 36-42, M.A. 37, tutor 37-68 ; (Honours : — 1 classics 34), examiner in classics 45.

Litton, Edward Arthur, born in Dublin 1813 ; is. Rt. Hon. Edward, a master in chancery. Balliol, matric. 6 April, 32, aged 18 (from Winchester), B.A. 35; fellow Oriel 36-43, M.A. 40 (Honours :—i classics and 1 mathematics 35) ! vice-principal St. Edmund Hall 51-4, Bampton lecturer 56, select preacher 61, a student of Gray's Inn 29, migrated to Lincoln's Inn 39; rector of St. Clement's, Oxon, 58-60, and of Naunton, co. Gloucester, 60.

Cornish, Thomas Brooking, bornat Southpool, Devon, 19 Dec, 1815 ; is. Thomas, gent. Wadham, matric 16 May, 33, aged 17 (from Tiverton school), scholar Trinity 35-9, B.A. 37; fellow Oriel 40-7, M.A. 41 (Honours : — 1 classics 37); head master king Edward gr. school, Macclesfield, 49-72, vicar of North Rode, Cheshire, 72-8, hon. canon Chester 73, rector of Ufton Nervet, Berks, 78.

Chretien, Charles Peter, born in London 1 August, 1820; 2S. Joseph, gent. Brasenose, matric. 25 Nov., 37, aged 17 (from King's coll., Lond. ), scholar 38-43, B.A. 41 ; fellow Oriel 43-64, M.A. 44, tutor 48-60 (Honours : — 1 classics 41) ; rector of Cholderton, Wilts, 60-75.

Buckle, George, born at Clifton, Bristol, 27 June, 1820; 6s. Richard, arm. Oriel, matric. 17 Dec, 38, aged 18 (from Christ's Hospital), bible clerk 38 9 ; scholar Corpus Christi 38-43, B.A. 42; fellow Oriel 43-53, M.A. 45, tutor 46-52 (Honours: — 2 classics and 1 mathematics 42), mathematical examiner 46 ; vicar of Twerton-on-Avon, Somerset, 52-76, rector of Weston-super-Mare 76-88, preben- dary 68, canon residentiary 87, and precentor of Wells 88 ; father of G. E. Buckle, fellow All Souls' 77 -85.

Coleridge, Henry James, born in London, 20 Sept., 1822 ; 2S. John Taylor, kt. , judge of king's bench. Trinity, matric 16 June, 40, aged 17 (from Eton), scholar 40-5, B.A. 45; fellow Oriel 45-52, M.A. 47 (Honours: — 1 classics 44); Roman Catholic priest, sometime incumbent of Farm-street Church, Berkeley-square; died April, 93.

Earle, John, born at (Elston, parish of) Churchstow, Devon, 29 Jan., 1824; o.s. John, gent. Mag- dalen Hall, matric. 21 Oct., 41, aged 17 (from Plymouth gr. school), B.A. 45 ; fellow Oriel 48-58, M.A. 49, tutor 52-56 (Honours : — 1 classics 45), librarian Oxford union society 49, professor of Anglo-Saxon 49-54, 76, select preacher 73 ; rector of Swanswick, Somerset, 57, and prebendary of Wells 71. See Men and Women of the Time.

Hooper, James John, born at Horsington, Somerset, 7 Nov., 1823; is. James, rector of King Weston 33-9 ; Wadham, matric. 3 May, 43, aged 19 (from Sherborne school), B.A, 47, M.A. 49 ; fellow Oriel 48-84 (Honours: — 2 classics 46); bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 52, recorder of South Molton 77-84, judge of county courts since Dec. 83.