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Ryder, Richard Calthorpc Whitmore, born in St. Andrew's, Wells, 22 July, 1822 ; 8s. Henry, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Oriel, matric. 13 June, 40, aged 17 (from school) ; scholar Wad-

ham 41-9, B.A. 44, fellow 49, M.A. 50 (Honours: — 3 classics 44) ; bar.-at-law, Middle Temple, 48. See Foster's Men at the Bar.

Ellaby, Ernest Ridsdale, born in St. Pancras, London, 1836 ; 3s. Francis, cler. Wadham, matric. 15 Oct., 52, aged 18 (from Bath grammar school), scholar 52-7, B.A. 56, fellow 57, M.A. 59 (Honours: -2 classical mods. 55, and 3 classics 56) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 64.

Stowe, Alfred, born at Buckingham 20 Nov., 1833 ; 3s. William, arm. Wadham, matric. 9 March, 53, aged 19 (from Rugby), scholar 52-62, B.A. 57, M.A. 62, fellow 62 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 55, 3 classics 57), secretary of the curators of the Univer- sity chest 69-72, bursar Corpus Christi 73-4.

Henderson, Patrick Arkley Wright, born at Stirling, n.b. 1841 ; is. Robert, cler. Balliol,

matric. 12 Oct., 61, aged 21 (from Trin. coll. Glenalmond and Glasgow university), exhibitioner 61-6, B.A. 66 ; fellow Wadham 67, M.A. 68, chaplain and tutor 68, proctor 76 (Honours : — 1 classical mods. 63, 1 classics 65) ; assumed the additional surname of Wright.

Richards, Herbert Paul, born at Kensington, Middle- sex, 15 Oct., 1848; 2s. Thomas, arm. Balliol, matric. 13 Oct., 66, aged 17 (from Kensington school), scholar 66-70, Jenkyns exhibitioner 70, B.A. 70; fellow Wadham 70, M.A. 73, tutor 73, proctor 86 (Honours : — accessit Hertford scholar- ship 68, 1 classical mods. 68, 1 classics 70), librarian Oxford union society 72, classical moderator jy, 8, 86, and examiner in classics 80-1, 91-2.

Clifton, Robert Bellamy, born at Gedney, co. Lincoln, 13 March, 1836 ; o.s. Robert, arm., scholar St. John's, Cambridge, 56(from university coll. London), fellow 59-62, B.A. 59, M.A. 62 (Honours : — 6th wrangler 59, 2nd Smith prizeman 59) ; incorporated at Oxford from Wadham 29 Nov., 65, aged 29, created M.A. 7 Dec, 65, hon. fellow 68-82, fellow 82, professor of experimental philosophy 65 ; fellow Merton 69 (see page 93), professor natural philosophy Owens coll. Manchester 60-6, F.r.A.s. , f. r.s. 68, president of physical society of London 82-4, designed and organised the Clarendon labora- tory at Oxford. See Men and Women of the Time.

Wells, Joseph, born at Reading 1856 ; 3s.

Thomas William, gent. Queen's, matric. 23 Oct., 75, aged 19 (from Reading school), scholar 75-9, B.A. 79, M.A. 82 ; fellow Wadham 82, tutor 83 (Honours : — 1 classical mods, jj, 1 classics 79, I history 80), examiner in classics 86, 7, 8.

Dixey, Frederick Augustus, born in London 9 Dec, 1855. Wadham, matric. 16 Oct., 1874, aged 18. (from Highgate school), scholar 72-8, B.A. 79, M.A. 83, B.Med. 84, Wills medical fellow 85, D.Med. 91 (Honours : — 3 classical mods. 76, 3 natural science 78), demonstrator to the professor of physiology, physiology tutor to Non-collegiate students.


Maskelyne, Mervin Herbert Nevil Story-, born at Lydiard Tregoze, Wilts, 3 Sept. , 1823 ; is. Anthony Mervin Storey, of Basset Down House, Wilts, arm. Wadham, matric. 19 Nov., 40, aged 17 (from school), B.A. 45, M.A. 49, hon. fellow 73 (Honours : — 2 mathematics 45), natural science examiner 55-6, Waynrlete professor of mineralogy 56, lecturer in chemistry and physics Exeter Coll. 55-7, sometime keeper mineral department British museum, fellow institute of chemistry ; of Basset Down House, etc., j.p., d.l., Wilts, a student of the Inner Temple 46, m.p. Cricklade 80-5, North Wilts (Dec.) 85-92, f.r.s., and assumed the sur- names of Story-Maskelyne in lieu of Storey.

Andrew, James, born at Whitby, Yorks, 8 Sept., 1829 ; 3s. James, cler. Worcester, matric 9 June, 48, aged 18 (from school) ; scholar Wadham,

48-56, B.A. 52, fellow 56-68, M.A. 58, B.Med. 60, D.Med. 63, hon. fellow 87 (Honours : — 2 classics 52); F.R.c.p.Lond. 66, physician Bartholomew's hospital and Christ's hospital.

Jackson, Thomas Graham, born at Hampstead, Middlesex, 21 Dec, 1835 ; is. Hugh, gent. Corpus Christi, matric 9 March, 54, aged 18 (from Brighton college) ; scholar Wadham, 54-64, B.A. 58, M.A. 63, fellow 64-80, hon. fellow 82 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 56 and 3 classics 58), architect of the new schools, Oxford, etc., A.R.A. 92, author of "Wadham College, Oxford, its Founda- tion, Architecture, and History," 93.

Congreve, Richard, born at Leamington Hastings, co. Warwick, 4 Sept., 1818; 3s. Thomas, gent. Wadham, matric. 23 Feb., 37, aged 18 (from Rugby), scholar 36-44, B.A. 40, M.A. 43, fellow 44-54, tutor 48-56, hon. fellow 91 (Honours: — 1 classics 40), treasurer 40, librarian and president Oxford union society 41 ; the positivist writer, formerly in orders, M.R.c.P.Lond. 66. See Men and Wome?i of the Time.

FONT, IFFLEY church. — From Ingram. 2 M