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Of whom biographical notices appear in the Matriculations 1880-92.


Harris, Robert W. Penney, William C. Corbould, Edward J. Richardson, Albert T. Cleave, John K. F. Nash, James O. Jackson, John Welchman, Harold de V Hardy, John F. L. Tristram, Henry B.


Johnson, Tames T. Hollins, John G. B. Shaw, Charles J. M. Fort, George S. Crosskey, Ernest Mercer, Richard Dumbleton, Henry F. Wrey, Albany B. S. Lyon, Edmund H. Bucknall, Henry L. Bush, Herbert C. Grey-Edwards, A. H. Webster, John Adams, Herbert Paterson, Arthur B. Warneford, Henry L. Daltry, Vernon G. Sharpe, Charles H. Knox, William F. Jordan, Ernest D. Castle, Joseph


Dixon, William H. Treadgold, Arthur N. C Tower, Henry Pulling, Henry G. Richardson, Arthur J. Martin, John Terry, Douglas Marriott, William E.


Bell, Maurice F. Be van, Edward L. Paulson, Richard E. Weallens, Robert S. Wright, Henry W. Rumsey, John T. M. Casswell, George F. Jolley, William T. S. Robin, Leonard P. Cornish, Charles J. Hay ward, John C. Felton, Ernest F. King, Robert S. Whinfield, Herbert E. Caldwell, Reginald C. Hooper, Herbert R. Martin, William Monro, Claude F. H,

Crook, John W. P. Campbell, John S. Godfrey, Charles J. M. Chataway, John E. E. Lightfoot, John A. Jenkyns, Thomas L. Highton, Gerard A. Daniels, Frank W. J.



Welchman, Harold de V. Thomson, William Duckworth, William F. Cornwall, Walter E. Laurence, Henry H. Townend, Henry Cornish, Charles J. Campbell, Arthur M. Miller, William Tristram, Henry B.


Hose, Frederick T. G. Hext, Thomas J. K. Hopkins, Alexander H. Heaton, Grey Rumney, Edward Curties, Henry H. Gale, John S. Hope, Walter M. Irwin, Acheson Lee, Percy T. Workman, Arthur S. Milner, George E. J. Lord, David W.


Brown, Harold H. Cochrane, Alfred H. J. Campbell, John E. Hudson, Ernest R. Bayne, Percy M. Quicke, John M. Tower, Frederick Gandell, Shirley M. K. Broadbent, John F. H. Arthure, Harry E. E. Shore, William E. K. Cross, Henry Forbes, Reginald V.


Bartleet, Edward Bowers, Herbert E. Osborne, Algernon W. Richardson, Arthur Maude, Thomas Arton, William D. Burrows, James C. Formby, Hugh C. Giles, Clement D. Greaves, John H. Knowlden, William J. Moore, Reginald W. B,

Pavey, Alfred K. Stone, John R. Whitehouse, Howard S. C. Trinder, Arthur R. B. Kirkby, William


Woodward, Frederick W.

M. Bowring, Edward G. Hatton, John L. S. Prickett, Marmaduke A. Godding, James W. S. Peake, Charles W. Cornwall, Edward W.


Lillingston, Septimus E.

L. S. Pritchard, George E. C. Currey, Reginald H. A. Bell, Edward Guy, Hugh Hall, Henry W. Alexander, Philip F. Perry, Herbert L. Nelson, Charles M. Cameron, Archibald E. Fenton, Henry B. Cosway, Percy L.


Trewby, Norman Bennett, Ernest N. Aldous, Arthur G. Spencer, William C. Waldock, Frederick W. Farrant, Francis W. Guy, Ralph C. Casson, Herbert A. Bettany, Frederick G. Joyce, Philip S. K. Browne, John G. Beibitz, Joseph H. Capel-Cure, Henry


West, Francis G. White, Thomas A. Surrage, Thomas L. J. Malleson, Rodbard Jowitt, John H. Marshall, Gerald K. S. Clissold, Joseph M. Doble, Richard J. Teale, Lionel H. Kendall, John F. W.



Roberts, John D. Chambers, Charles D,

Plum, Harry V. Firmst sne, Harold W. Kindersley, John M. Plumptre, Henry W. Counsell, Hugh A.


Armitage, George E. Fritche, Cheslyn W. A. Waithman, Charles A. Sharpe, John L. Cook, Thomas W. Boyd, William G. Nelson, Edward J. Miller, William D. Salwey, John Wurm, John J. Hedley, William H. Aris, John W. Bury, William Pearson, Rowland G. Philcox, Charles Woodard, Arthur M. W


Pratt, Frederick G. Robertson, Charles G. Hudson, William H. Brown, Francis E. Pyatt, Henry R. Landon, Perceval Kirkby, Paul J. Smith, Martin L. Wilkes, Lewis C. V. Webb, William H. White, Edward A. Aris, John W. Roberts, John D.


Hatch, James K. Abbott, John R. Bulwer, Thornton B. Jones-Parry, Thomas P. O'Dell, Thomas S. Gundry, Joseph Harris, William B. James, Arthur H. Walters, Hubert A. Radcliffe, Cecil F. Cobb, Harold W. Wilson, George L.


Southwell, Lionel J. Croxall, Edward R. T. Leathes, Carteret de M. Munro, Kenneth Gresson, Charles R. H. Powell, William G. L. Bryant, Henry C. Yates, Frederick P. Morgan, Frederick S. Mills, Philo L,