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PARAPET, ST. PETEK'S-IN-THE-EAST.— From Mackenzie and Pugin.

iSon^CoUegiate ©elegac?*


(From University Calendar.)

N the year 1868 persons were first per- mitted, under certain conditions pre- scribed in Statt. Tit. III. Sect, i and iv. to become Students and Members of the University without being members of any College or Hall. Such persons keep their statuable residence in houses or licenced lodgings within the limit of a circle the centre of which is Carfax, and the radius a line one mile and a half in length ; they enjoy the same rights of profiting by Professors' lectures, of" competing for University Prizes, of attaining distinction in the Public Exami- nations, and of being admitted to Degrees and to all the consequent privileges, as are enjoyed by other students.

The reception of Students into the University under the prescribed conditions, and the exercise of disci- pline over them during their residence in Oxford, are committed to a Delegacy consisting of the Vice- Chancellor, the Proctors, the Controller of Lodging Houses, a Censor, and six Members of Convocation holding office for six years, of whom two are elected by Congregation, two by the Hebdomadal Council, and two are nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors subject to the approval of Convocation. The Censor, who is nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, holds office for five years. The Very Rev. G. W. Kitchin, D.D., Dean of Winchester, formerly Censor, was added as a Perpetual Delegate by Decree of Convocation on November 20, 1883.

The students are under the supervision of the Censor, who is charged with the care of their conduct and studies. There are also Tutors appointed by the Delegates to give instruction to the Students.


The Vice-Chancellor.

The Proctors.

The Controller of Lodging Houses.

The Censor.

Very Rev. George Wm. Kitchin, D.D.

Thomas Herbert Warren, M.A., Pre- sident of Magdalen.

William Henry Hadow, M. A., Fellow of Worcester.

Rev. Benjamin Jowett, M. A., Master of Balliol.

Henry Ofiiey Wakeman, M. A., Fellow of All Souls.

Rev. William Inge, M.A., Provost of Worcester.

Rev. William Walrond Jackson, M. A. Rector of Exeter.



Elected by

Con- gregation.

Elected by the Hebdo- madal Council. Nominated by the Vice- Chancellor & Proctors.


Pope, Richard William Massy, born at Bangor, co. Carnarvon, 10 Feb., 1849; 2S - Richard Thomas of Pembroke, cler. Worcester, matric. 27 April, 67, aged 18 (from Friars school), scholar 69-72, scholar and B.A. 71, M.A. 73, B.D. 77, D.D. 90 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 69, 3 classics 71), lecturer in mathematics 74-82, divinity 75-87, and classics 76-87, master of the schools 78-9, 81-3, 87-8, 89-90, chaplain Balliol 79-88, classical moderator 80, 90-2, proctor 84, public examiner 85-6, censor Non- collegiate students 87, select preacher 90-2.

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