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Betterton, Henry Bucknall, born at Blackfordby, co. Leicester, 15 Aug., 1872; is. Henry Inman, gen. Christ Church, matric. 6 June, 90, aged 17, from Rugby.

Bevan, Benjamin, born at Nevin, co. Carnarvon, 12 Jan., 1863; s. Evan, cler. St. Mary Hall, matric. 23 Jan., 88, aged 25.

Bevan, rev. Edward Latham, born at Weymouth, Dorset, 1862 ; 3s. William Latham, cler. Hert- ford, matric. 1 Feb., 81, aged 19, B.A. 84, M.A. 89 ; chaplain Gordon boys' home, Chatham, 91.

Bevan, Edwyn Robert, born in London 15 Feb., 1870; 7s. Robert Cooper Lee, banker, deceased. New Coll., matric. 12 Oct., 88, aged 18 (from Monkton Combe school), scholar 88, B.A. 92 ; Honours :— 1 classical mods. 90, 1 classics 92.

Bevan, Greville, born at Esher, Surrey, 29 June, 1867; is. Frederick Lincoln, gen. Exeter, matric. 21 Oct. , 86, aged 19, from Wellington coll.

Bevan, Richard Hunter, born at Brighton 1862; is. Richard Alexander, arm. Brasenose, matric. 10 June, 81, aged 19, B.A. 85.

Beven, rev. Osmond James Clement, born at Colombo, isle of Ceylon, 1861 ; 8s. John, arm. Non-Colle- giate, matric. 18 Oct., 80, aged 19, B.A. 84, M.A. 88 (Honours:— 3 classical mods. 82, 2 theology 84) ; curate of St. Paul, Pettah, Colombo, 85-89, and incumbent 89, also incumbent of St. Matthew 89.

Bevenot, Clovis Maurice Camille, born at Hainault, Belgium, 1862 ; is. Hippolyte, gen. Balliol, matric. 21 Oct., 80, aged 28 (from Cambrai school), Taylorian exhibitioner (Italian) 82 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 82.

Beverley, Ernest Orme, born at Brighton July, 1870 ; is. Henry Weber, cler. Keble, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Radley coll.); Honours: — 3 classical mods. 91.

Bewley, Edward Dawson, born at Dublin 9 July, 1868 ; is. Edmund Thomas, bar.-at-law. New Coll., matric. 14 Oct., 87, aged 19 (from Winchester), scholar 87, B.A. 91 ; Honours :— i mathematical mods. 88, proxime accessit junior mathematical exhibition 89, 2 mathematics 91.

Bickersteth, Montagu Cyril, m.a., New Coll., where see.

Bickham, George William, born at Bowdon, Cheshire, 7 July, 1870 ; is. Spencer Henry, gen. New Coll., matric. 11 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Clifton coll.), B.A. 92; Honours: — 3 classical mods. 91, 3 law 92.

Bickmore, Arthur Laurence, born at Kenilworth, co. Warwick, 1859 ; 2s. William Frederick, cler. Worcester, matric. 29 April, 81, aged 22 (from Leamington coll.), B.A. 85 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 82.

Bickmore, Charles Edward, M.A., fellow New Coll. 72-86, where see.

Bickmore, Claude Egerton, born at Kenilworth, co. Warwick, 1868; 6s. William Frederick, cler. Non- Collegiate, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 21, from Sherborne school.

Bickmore, Harry Christopher, born at Kenilworth, co. Warwick, 1863 ; 4s. William Frederick, cler. Non-Collegiate, matric. 17 Oct., 85, aged 22 (from Rossall school), B.A. 90 ; Honours : — 2 history 89.

Bicknell, Ethrayne Adsimar, born in London 3 Dec. , 1873 ! 2S - Algernon Sidney, gent. Trinity, matric. 17 Dec. , 92, aged 19, from Eton.

Bicknell, Worman Leslie, born at Brighton Dec, 1868 ; is. Percy, gen. Christ Church, matric. 1 June, 88 aged 19 (from Harrow), B.A. 91.

Bidder, Henry Jardine, b.d. ; fellow St. John's 71, where see.

Biddle, rev. Alexander Ross, born at Wimborne, Dorset, 1864 ; 2s. Waring Alexander, arm. Uni- versity Coll. , matric. 13 Oct. , 83, aged 19 (from Sherborne school), B.A. 87 (Honours : — 4 history 86) ; curate of St. Luke, Maidenhead, 90.

Biddle, Waring Alfred Rolles, born at Lougham, Dorset, 1862 ; is. Waring Alexander, arm. Uni- versity Coll., matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 20 (from Sherborne school), B.A. 87; Honours: — 3 classical mods. 84, 3 history 86.

Biddulph, John Michael Gordon, born in London 9 Nov., 1869; is. Michael, arm. Christ Church, matric. 12 Oct., 88, aged 18 (from Eton), B.A. 92.

Bidlake, rev. Walter, born at Wellington, Salop, 1866 ; 2s. John, solicitor. Exeter, matric. 31 May, 84, aged 18 (from the Leys sch. , Cambridge), B.A. 87, M.A. 91 (Honours:— 4 theology 87); curate of Coppenhall St. Paul, Cheshire, 90.

Bidwell, rev. Edward John, born at Stanton, Suffolk, 26 Nov., 1866; 4s. George Shelford, rector of Sympson, Bucks. Wadham, matric. 19 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Bradfield coll.) ; scholar 84, B.A. 89 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 87, 2 classics 89), assist, master Leamington coll. 90.

Bigg, Charles, d.d. , senior student Christ Church, 62-7, where see.

Bigg, Charles Sale, born at Cheltenham 30 Dec, 1867; is. Charles, d.d. Worcester, matric. 19 Oct. , 86, aged 18 (from Cheltenham coll. ), exhibitioner 86, B.A. 90; Honours :— 2 classical mods. 88, 4 classics 90 ; brother of Lionel and William.

Bigg, Lionel Thursfield, born at Cheltenham 19 June, 1870; 3s. Charles, d.d. Oriel, matric. 25 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Cheltenham coll.), B.A. 92.

Bigg, William Edward, born at Cheltenham 15 May, 1869; 2s. Charles, D.D. Oriel, matric. 18 Oct., 87, aged 18 (from Haileybury), B.A. 91.

Bigge, Denys Leighton Selby, born at Bourton, Salop, 11 Sept., 1864 ; 3s. Charles, arm. Christ Church, matric. 27 May, 82, aged 17.

Bigge, Lewis Amherst Selby, m.a. , fellow University Coll. 83, where see.

Bigge, Philip Matthew, born at Wolverhampton 7 Feb. ,1862; o.s. Matthew Robert, arm. New Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 81, aged 19 (from Winchester); Honours : — 2 classical mods. 82.

Biggin, Thomas, born at Stamford, co. Lincoln, 26 July, 1871 ; o.s. Samuel, gen. Corpus Christi, matric. 16 Oct. , 90, aged 19 (from Manchester gr. school), scholar 89 ; Honours : — 1 mathematical mods. 91, proxime accessit junior mathematical exhibition 92.

Biggs, rev. Charles Richard Davey, born at Lichfield 1865 ; 4s. Sylvanus, gent. St. John's, matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 17 (from Derby school), scholar 82, B.A. 86, M.A. 89, Fereday fellow 91 (Honours: — 2 classical mods. 84, 2 classics 86) ; vice-principal theological coll., Edinburgh, and chaplain of St. Mary cathedral, Edinburgh, 90.

Bilbrough, rev. Harold Ernest, born at Twickenham, Middx. , 22 Feb. , 1867 ; 2s. Arthur, gent. New Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Win- chester), B.A. 89 (Honours : — 3 theology 89) ; curate of St. Mary, S. Shields 90.

Biles, Robert MacBrair, born at Portsmouth 1865 ; 4s. John, gent. Balliol, matric. 16 Oct., 83, aged 18 (from Portsmouth gr. school), scholar 82, B.A. 86 (Honours : — 1 mathematical mods. 84, 1 mathematics 86) ; died 24 Feb. , 89, at Melbourne.

Bill, Arnold Francis, born at Coventry 8 Oct. , 1865 ; 3s. John, arm. Brasenose, matric. 14 Oct., 84, aged 19 (from Rugby), scholar 84, B.A. 88 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 86, 3 physiology 88.