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Newman, William Lambert, born at Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, 21 April, 1834 ; 2s. Edward Lambert, gent. Balliol, matric. 1 Dec., 51, aged 17 (from Cheltenham coll.), scholar 51-4, fellow 54, B.A. 57, M.A. 58 [Honours : — Hertford scholarship 53, 1 classical mods. 53, Ireland scholarship 54 (accessit 53), 1 classics 55] ; classical moderator 62-3, ex- aminer in classics 66-7 ; university reader in ancient history 68-70, bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 67 ; editor of "Aristotle's politics." See Foster's Men at the Bar.

Strachan-Davidson, James Leigh, born at By- fleet, Surrey, 22 Oct. , 1844; is. James Strachan, arm. Balliol, matric. 20 Oct., 62, aged 18 (from Leamington coll.), Warner exhibitioner 62, and Jenkyns exhibitioner 65, B.A. 66, fellow 66, M.A. 72, classical tutor 75 (HONOURS :— 1 classical mods. 64, 1 classics 66) ; librarian 66, and president of the Oxford union society 67 ; examiner in classics 82-3, and 89-90 ; a student of Lincoln's Inn 66.

Forbes, William Henry, born in London 2 May, 1851 ; rs. John, lieut.col. Coldstream Guards. Balliol, matric. 21 Oct., 69, aged 18 (from Eton), scholar 67-72, Jenkyns exhibitioner 72-3, B.A. 73, fellow 73, M.A. 76, tutor 82 (Honours : — proxime accessit Hertford scholarship 70, Ireland scholarship 71, 1 classical mods. 71, 1 classics 73, Craven scholarship 73, 1 theology 74); classical moderator 84-5.

Abbott, Evelyn, born at Epperstone, Notts. 10 March, 1843; 3s. Evelyn, gent. Balliol, matric. 20 Oct. , 62, aged 19 (from Lincoln school and Somerset- shire coll., Bath), exhibitioner 62, and Jenkyns exhibitioner 66, B.A. and M.A. 73, fellow 74, tutor 75 (Honours : — Greek verse 64, 1 classical mods. 64, accessit Ireland scholarship 66, 1 classics 66) ; classical moderator 83 ; sometime a master at Clifton college.

Paravicini, Francis de, born at Wymondham, co. Leicester, 6 January, 1843 ; is. Francis, cler. Bal- liol, matric. 18 Oct., 62, aged 19 (from Marl- borough), scholar 61-6 ; a senior student Christ Church 66-71, B.A. 67, M.A. 69; tutor Balliol 72, fellow 78 [Honours :- -Hertford scholarship 64, (accessit 63) 1 classical mods. 64, proxime accessit Ireland scholarship 66, Greek prose 66, 2 classics 66] ; classical moderator 77-8-9.

Smith, Arthur Lionel, born in London 4 Dec, 1850 ; 2S. William Henry, arm. Balliol, matric. 21 Oct., 69, aged 18 (from Christ's hospital), exhibi- tioner 68-74, Jenkyns exhibitioner 79, B.A. 74 ; fellow Trinity 74-9, M.A. jj ; tutor Balliol 78, fellow 82, proctor 82 (Honours : — 1 classical mods. 71, 1 classics 73, Lothian essay 74, 2 history 74); a student of Lincoln's Inn, 74.

Fremantle, rev. the hon. William Henry, born at Swanbourne, Bucks, 12 Dec., 1831 ; 2s. Thomas, baronet (afterwards Baron Cottesloe). Balliol, matric. 30 Nov., 49, aged 17 (from Eton), B.A. 53 ; fellow All Souls' 54-64, M.A. 57; fellow Bal- liol 82, chaplain and tutor 82 (Honours: — 2 classical mods. 52, 1 classics 53, English essay 54) ; select preacher 78-80, Bampton lecturer 83 ; vicar of Lewknor, Oxon, 57-65, chaplain to Bishop Tait of London 61-8, and when Archbishop of Canter- bury 68-82 ; rector of St. Mary, Bryanston Square, 65-83, canon of Canterbury 82. See Men and Women of the Time.

Markby, sir William, k.c.i.e., born at Duxford, co. Cambridge, 3 May, 1829 ; 4s. William Henry, rector of Duxford, St. Peter. Micrton, matric. 13 June, 46, aged 17 (from King Edward's school, Bury St. Edmund's), postmaster 46-50, B.A. 51, M.A. 56, D.C. L. 79 (Honours: — 1 mathematics 50) ; reader in Indian law 78, hon. fellow All Souls' 82-3, and fellow 83, fellow BALLIOL 83, member of. the Hebdomadal council, resigned Nov., 92, curator of the chest, and of the Indian Institute, delegate of the press, and University reader in Indian law 78 ; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 56, recorder of Bucking- ham 65-6, puisne judge high court, Calcutta, 66-78, and vice-chancellor of the University of Calcutta; K.C.I.E. 1 Jan., 89 ; commissioner to enquire into administration of justice in Trinidad 92, justice of the peace and county councillor for Oxfordshire 89-93. See Men and Women of the Time.

Hardie, William Ross, born in Edinburgh

1862; is. William, gent. Balliol, matric. 21 Oct., 80, aged 18 (from Edinburgh University), scholar 79-84, Jenkyns exhibitioner 83, B.A. 84, fellow 84, M.A. 87 [Honours : — 1 classical mods. 81, Hert- ford scholarship 82, (proxime accessit 81), Ireland scholarship 82, Greek verse and prose 82, Latin verse 83, 1 classics 84, Craven scholarship 84, Derby scholarship 85], classical moderator 90, proctor 93-4.

Conroy, sir John, 3rd bart., born in Kensington, 16 Aug., 1845 ; is. Edward, bart. Christ Church, matric. 14 Oct., 64, aged 19 (from Eton), B.A. 69, M.A. 70 (Honours:— 1 natural science 68); lecturer in chemistry Keble 81-5, tutor 85, Millard lecturer in physics Trinity and Balliol 86, fellow Balliol 90 ; F. R.S. 91.

Shaw, William Hudson, born at Leeds , 1859;

is. Edward Walker, arm. Non-Collegiate, matric. 11 Oct. 79, aged 20 (from Bradford school); migrated to Balliol 80, B.A. 83, M.A. 87, fellow 90 (Honours ; — Stanhope essay 82, 2 History 83) ; president Oxford union society 83 ; vicar of Thorn- thwaite with Braithwaite, Cumberland, 89, as George W. H. S.

Palmer, Edwin James, born in Oxford 10 Jan., 1869; is. Edwin, archdeacon of Oxford, and canon of Christ Church. Balliol, matric. 19 Oct., 87, aged 18 (from Winchester), scholar 86, Jenkyns exhibitioner 91, fellow 91, B.A. 92 ; Honours : — accessit Hertford scholarship 88, 1 classical mods. 89, Craven scholarship 89, accessit Ireland scholar- ship 90, 1 classics 91.

Smith, John Alexander, born at Dingwall, Ross-shire, 21 April, 1864 ; 2s. Andrew, gent. Balliol, matric. 28 Jan., 84, aged 20 (from Edinburgh university), exhibitioner 83, Jenkyns exhibitioner 87, B.A. 91, fellow 91 (Honours : — 1 classical mods. 85, accessit

84, 85, and proxime accessit Hertford scholarship

85, accessit Ireland scholarship 85, 1 classics 87) ; college lecturer in philosophy.


Palmer, ven. Edwin, D. D., archdeacon of Oxford, hon. fellow 71 ; canon of Christ Church, where see page 403.

StubbS, right rev. William, D.D., bishop of Oxford, hon. fellow ; hon. canon of Christ Church j"], and hon. fellow of Oriel, where see page 151.