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Switzerland used it for fitness. This is a modified interval circuit training. The circuit distance is ½ to 1 mile with 20 stations.

Activity begins with warm-up in the 1st station-increases in strenuousness and then relaxation exercises. Vita is a swiss insurance firm.

Parcours is the French word for track or circuit, Vita Parcours has become extremely popular over much of Western Europe and in United States. This suits all the age group for fitness training. In an effort to offer a broader range of activities, a parcour with some new addition are made at Sylvan Elementary School in North Carolina, U.S.A. The distance is 1¼ mile. The Parcour is designed.

  1. To promote fitness of the young.
  2. To develop the ability to recognize and read signs.
  3. To develop a better understanding of nature through the scientific identification of plants, trees, rocks, insects and small animals.
  4. To provide pleasure: It only needs a small land, planning and work to develop a parcour.

The physical fitness trails include, crawling, squat thrust, pyramid climb, log hop, ladder climb, sit-ups.