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or reduction of fatigue at the neuromuscular level. Excess may cause health problems.

HYPNOSIS: Hypnosis has influence with strength and endurance. It has been used successfully in sports. It is dangerous when untrained personnel uses it.

OXYGEN INHALATION: This is a practice based on psychological effects than scientific evidence to influence the performance.


“Doping is the Administration of or the use by a competing athlete of any substance foreign to the body or of any physiological substance taken in abnormal quantity or taken by an abnormal route of entry into the body, with the sole intention of increasing in an artificial and unfair manner his performance in competition.”

—By Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee.

BLOOD-DOPIG: This is also known as blood reinjection. This needs more research evidence to support its effect. The present practice is 500 ml of blood is removed from an athlete before 3 weeks of a competition and reinjected on the day of competiton.

NEGATIVE IONIZATION: The negative ions in the blood stream speed up delivery of oxygen to the cells and tissues, that a euphoric feeling is induced. It appears to have little or no value as a means of improving physical performance.