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Case 1:18-cr-00218-TSC Document 67 Filed 12/13/18 Page 5 of 12

answer any related inquiries from the Court and to allocute for a sentence within the Guidelines range as ultimately determined by the Court, even if the Guidelines range ultimately determined by the Court is different from the Estimated Guidelines Range calculated herein.

In addition, if in this Agreement the Government has agreed to recommend or refrain from recommending to the Court a particular resolution of any sentencing issue, the Government and your client reserve the right to full allocution in any post-sentence litigation. The parties retain the full right of allocution in connection with any post-sentence motion which may be filed in this matter and/or any proceeding(s) before the Bureau of Prisons. In addition, your client acknowledges that the Government is not obligated and does not intend to file any post-sentence downward departure motion in this case pursuant to Rule 35(b) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

7. Court Not Bound by this Agreement or the Sentencing Guidelines

Your client understands that the sentence in this case will be imposed in accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a), upon consideration of the Sentencing Guidelines. Your client further understands that the sentence to be imposed is a matter solely within the discretion of the Court. Your client acknowledges that the Court is not obligated to follow any recommendation of the Government at the time of sentencing or to grant a downward departure based on your client’s substantial assistance to the Government, even if the Government files a motion pursuant to § 5K1.1 of the Sentencing Guidelines. Your client understands that neither the Government’s recommendation nor the Sentencing Guidelines are binding on the Court.

Your client acknowledges that your client’s entry of a guilty plea to the charged offense authorizes the Court to impose any sentence, up to and including the statutory maximum sentence, which may be greater than the applicable Guidelines range. The Government cannot, and does not, make any promise or representation as to what sentence your client will receive. Moreover, it is understood that your client will have no right to withdraw your client’s plea of guilty should the Court impose a sentence that is outside the Guidelines range or if the Court does not follow your client’s or the Government’s sentencing recommendation. The Government and your client will be bound by this Agreement, regardless of the sentence imposed by the Court. Any effort by your client to withdraw her guilty plea because of the length of the sentence shall constitute a breach of this Agreement.

8. Conditions of Release

Your client agrees not to object to the Government’s recommendation to the Court at the time of the plea of guilty in this case that your client be detained without bond pending your client’s sentencing in this case, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3143.