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Case 1:18-cr-00218-TSC Document 67 Filed 12/13/18 Page 8 of 12

any and all matters as to which the Government deems the cooperation relevant. Your client acknowledges that your client’s cooperation may include, but will not necessarily be limited to: answering questions; providing sworn written statements; taking government-administered polygraph examination(s); and participating in covert law enforcement activities. Any refusal by your client to cooperate fully, truthfully, completely and forthrightly as directed by this Office and other Federal, state and local law enforcement authorities identified by this Office in any and all matters in which the Government deems your client’s assistance relevant will constitute a breach of this Agreement by your client, and will relieve the Government of its obligations under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, its obligation to inform this Court and the Departure Guidelines Committee of the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia of any assistance your client has provided. Your client agrees, however, that such breach by your client will not constitute a basis for withdrawal of your client’s plea of guilty or otherwise relieve your client of your client’s obligations under this Agreement.

(b) Your client shall promptly turn over to the Government, or other law enforcement authorities, or direct such law enforcement authorities to, any and all evidence of crimes about which your client is aware; all contraband and proceeds of such crimes; and all assets traceable to the proceeds of such crimes. Your client agrees to the forfeiture of all assets which are proceeds of crimes or traceable to such proceeds of crimes.

(c) Your client shall submit a full and complete accounting of all your client’s financial assets, whether such assets are in your client’s name or in the name of a third party.

(d) Your client acknowledges and understands that, during the course of the cooperation outlined in this Agreement, your client will be interviewed by law enforcement agents and/or Government attorneys. Your client waives any right to have counsel present during these interviews and agrees to meet with law enforcement agents and Government attorneys outside of the presence of counsel. If, at some future point, you or your client desire to have counsel present during interviews by law enforcement agents and/or Government attorneys, and you communicate this decision in writing to this Office, the Government will honor this request, and this change will have no effect on any other terms and conditions of this Agreement.

(e) Your client shall testify fully, completely and truthfully before any and all Grand Juries in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and at any and all trials of cases or other court proceedings in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, at which your client’s testimony may be deemed relevant by the Government.

(f) Your client understands and acknowledges that nothing in this Agreement allows your client to commit any criminal violation of local, state or federal law during the period of your client’s cooperation with law enforcement authorities or at any time prior to the sentencing in this case. The commission of a criminal offense during the period of your client’s cooperation or at any time prior to sentencing will constitute a breach of this Agreement and will relieve the Government of all of its obligations under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, its obligation to inform this Court and the Departure Guidelines Committee of the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia of any assistance your client has provided. However, your client acknowledges and agrees that such a breach of this Agreement will not