Page:Paintings at the University of Notre Dame, Frank William Holslag, Fine Arts Journal, 1917.djvu/2

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The University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

Paintings at the University of Notre Dame
By Frank William Holslag
(All rights reserved)

Since the days of antiquity—previous almost to the birth of tradition itself—paintings, artists and art collectors have drifted about the world. Conjunctively, they have elevated, they have satisfied and they have brought happiness to others of this great universe. Of all the art that left the realms of the old world in quest of a home in the new, I know of none which has blessed more or which is more blessed than that which has found a lovable and beautiful home in the University of Notre Dame.

Years ago a French missionary, a lover of art, pushed his way into the very heart of

Northern Indiana and there, on the banks of two beautiful lakes, he established this splendid institution. From that very moment Notre Dame, through an inborn love and a sincere sense of duty, has furnished, fostered and adopted all that is pure and beautiful in art. This has not been done through desire for wealth or notoriety, but solely through a love such as a mother has for her children who wishes to teach them, and mankind, the elevation of ideals through such methods. And it is probably through the adoption of such ideals that this university has found itself so worthily successful.