Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/20

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  1. XXI.
    Mammoth engraved on a piece of Ivory from La Madeleine. (Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, vol. lxi.)
    between 216 and 217
  1. XXII.
    Painted Animals from the Cave of Font-de-Gaume. (After Capitan and Breuil)
  1. XXIII.
    Figures on the Roof of the Grand Salle of the Cavern of Altamira. (After Cartailhac and Breuil)
  1. XXIV.
    Two of the Animals figured on Pl. XXIII. Polychrome Paintings of a Deer and Bison. (After Cartailhac and Breuil, L'Anth.)
  1. XXV.
    A.—Panel on the Grotte de Niaux; B.—A Bovine Animal in Hardened Mud on the Floor of Niaux
    between 232 and 233
  1. XXVI.
    View of the Rock-shelter of Cap-Blanc. (After Dr Lalanne and Breuil, L'Anth, 1912)
    between 232 and 233
  1. XXVII.
    Two Panels in the Rock-shelter of Cap-Blanc, with Sculptured Horses. (Ibid.)
  1. XXVIII.
    Various Figures representing the Human Form

(1) Venus impudica (ivory) from Laugerie Basse (after Cartailhac and Breuil, L'Anth., 1907). (2 and 3) From Brassempouy (L'Anth.). (4) From Willendorf, made of limestone and covered with red ochre (after Szombathy, Sitz. der Anth. Gesel. in Wien, 1910). (5) Trou Magrite, made of reindeer-horn (after Dupont, Les Temps Préhistoriques en Belgique', p. 92). (6) From Gourdan, made of reindeer-horn (Rev. Préhistorique, 1906). (7) From Mas-d'Azil, engraved on a rondelle of a shoulder-blade (Acad. des Sciences, 1903). (8) Figure of ivory (Brassempouy) (after Piette, L'Anth.). (9) Ibid. (10) Made of steatite (Grottes de Grimaldi). (11) From Laugerie Basse, made of reindeer-horn (after Girod et Messénat, Les Stations de l'Âge du Renne, pl. i., fig. 2). (12) Human head of reindeer-horn from the Grotte de Rochbertier (Charente) (after M. Préhistorique, fig. 199). (13) Human hands engraved on a portion of a dart (La Madeleine): one end shows the slanting edge with marques de chasse; it is difficult to say what the cuts on the forearm mean.

  1. XXIX.
    Objects from the Bone Caves of Ojcow. (After Dr Römer)

(1) Perfectly round ivory rod, pointed at both ends and ornamented, use unknown. (2) Flat ivory rod compressed at the sides. (3) Bone tool, nearly round, and perforated with a round hole, numerous cross incisions on the surface. (4) Bone tool. (5) Vessel of burnt clay, with a handle, made by the hand, and without glaze. (6) Pottery roughly ornamented with furrows. (7) Bone needle (fragment). (8) Bone arrow-head. (9) Oval pendant of ivory. (10) Irregularly rectangular plate of bone perforated with two round holes and ornamented with seven rows of circular hollows. (11 and 12) Glass beads, coloured and ornamented. (13) Canine tooth of cave-bear, perforated. (14-17) Flint implements. (18) Perforated bone pointer. (19) Spindle whorl of baked clay.