Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/226

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feet 2 inches). Judging from facial and cranial peculiarities, Verneau regards the race as having features slightly exaggerating those of modern negroes, and hence he sometimes calls them Les Negroides. (L'Anthropologie, vol. xiii., pp. 561-83.)

One of the most interesting facts in connection with these later discoveries in the Grotte des Enfants was that, 0.70 metre (27! inches) higher up in the debris, another human skeleton was met with which presented in a marked degree all the

figure(s): 52

FIG. 52. Two views of the Skull of Male Skeleton (Cro-Magnon type) found in the Grotte des Enfants. (After Verneau.)


physical characteristics of the "old man of Cro-Magnon," measuring approximately no less than 6 feet 3½ inches in height, and a skull with a cephalic index of 76.26 (Fig. 52) thus proving the existence of two very different races in the same locality, and almost on the same chronological horizon.

General remarks.—Of all the Grimaldi caves the Barma Grande was probably the richest in the works of man, and, had the excavations been conducted on more scientific principles, the results would have been commensurate in archæological importance. At the bottom were found the remains of an elephant, probably Elephas antiquus, and coarse implements of quartz and sandstone of Moustérien types. The superposition of the strata