Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/259

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are osteologically represented by three skeletons, viz., that of l'Homme écrasé of Laugerie Basse (Fig. 36), that of Chancelade (Fig. 37), and that of Duruthy. Their special characters are as follows :—

Crania well filled (dolichocephalic, cephalic index 72-74) ; forehead full and lofty ; superciliary ridges moderately prominent ; chin well formed ; orthognathic profile ; stature small, 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 4 inches.

The Magdalénien people appear to have been the direct descendants of the Neanderthal-Spy race, and to have occupied, not only the same geographical area, but a considerable extension of it, as shown by the stations discovered within regions formerly covered by glacier ice. Their well-filled skulls are an indication of the intellectual advancement that had taken place since their nomadic forefathers entered Europe.

(4) Cro-Magnon Race.

The physical characters of this race have been derived from one specimen, viz., that known as the old man of Cro-Magnon (Figs.-33, 34);-

Cranium highly developed (dolichocephalic, cephalic index 73-76) ; forehead large, lofty, and well shaped ; superciliary ridges fairly prominent, face short but broad ; chin well formed ; face orthognathic ; stature tall, over 5 feet 10 inches in height.

The Cro-Magnon skull has, in point of osseous development, some resemblance to those of the Magdalénien race, and hence it is sometimes classified as belonging to it. But in my opinion, the great size of the Cro-Magnon skeleton is sufficient to place it in a category by itself. The geographical distribution of the race, so far as at present known, is almost confined to the Grimaldi caves, where out of about a dozen skeletons sufficiently well preserved to have their osteological characters determined, all have been recorded as belonging to the Cro-Magnon type, with the exception of two which M. Verneau describes as a new race. Moreover, the position of the Cro-Magnon skeletons in the cave, as already explained, makes it more than doubtful if they were of the same age as the Moustérien débris which it contained. That, however, they