Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/341

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animals, they make the following remarks pertinent to the problem at issue :—

"Cette absence totale d'animaux éteints et d'animaux localisés aujourd'hui dans les régions septentrionales, jointe à la rareté relative des ossements de Rennes, nous porte à penser que les dépôts à ossements de la grotte de Reilhac correspondent à la fin du Quaternaire supérior, et peuvent être regardès comme se rattachant de très près à 1'époque actuelle." (La Grotte de Reilhac, 1889, p. 27.)

Figure(s): 104-109

Considering the comparative lateness of the archæological horizon here indicated, and the impossibility of assigning FlGS. 104-109. Four Harpoons and two small Implements made of the horns of Cervidae, :—from the Grotte de Reilhac (|). the worked bone and horn objects to their precise position in the deposits— most of them having been discovered and dispersed among collectors before the authors came on the scene— it is peculiarly significant to find among them harpoons (Figs. 104-107) so precisely similar to those from Mas-d'Azil. Their association with other harpoons characteristic of the Reindeer period is not, therefore, fatal to the theory that the former were products of the Neolithic period. Indeed the same uncertainty hangs over most of the specimens of this type of harpoon found on Reindeer stations, partly