Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/89

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and airy, and in front there is a terrace 2.50 metres wide.

Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe, 0089.png Fig. 13.—A Plaque of Schist, with incised figures of Woolly Rhinoceros and other Animals. Found by the Abbé Parat in Grotte du Trilobite. (After Breuil.) (A little less than natural size.)

The cave was explored in 1880 by M. R. de Rochebrune. The relics were found in a thin black band of organic debris at the base of a yellowish compact mass of clay, about a metre thick, which lay under 6 or 8 inches of superficial soil. The black band contained worked flints in great numbers, instruments made of bone, ivory, and reindeer-horn, as well as remains of mammoth, rhinoceros, cave-bear, hyæna, etc. The tusk of a mammoth, 1.45 metres in length, had a bone-pointer split at the base (Aurignac type) adhering to its surface. Beneath this relic bed was a deposit of sandy clay which yielded coarsely worked flints of Moustérien types, but no knives nor any bone instruments were found in it. The excavations were continued to the front terrace, and there also the black relic bed appeared at a depth of 2 metres from the surface. It was here that the two curious objects described as "deux flacons faits d'un canon de renne" were found. They are figured by Breuil, and his illus-