Page:Palo'mine (1925).pdf/227

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Chapter XII
Palo'mine Saves the Day

ON the 19th of October, in 1864, one of the Union armies was encamped on Pine River. They had driven the Confederates under General Jubal Early from Lancaster two weeks before, capturing many men and guns and sent them pell mell up the Shenandoah Valley. So on this night, as they encamped on Pine River, they felt very secure.

The left wing was held by the 19th corps who were encamped in a woods. They had thrown out many pickets as the ground in front of them was also wooded. The center was held by the 8th corps and the right, by the 7th.

General Bill Werritan, their commander, had gone to Washington to consult with the War Department, and it happened that General Early and the Confederate Army