Page:Palo'mine (1925).pdf/240

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so regained his wind. Finally the cross road to Hazeltown was reached. They were now five miles from Pine River. Once more the General consulted his watch. Fifteen miles in forty-two minutes. It was incredible.

In the meantime, the Confederate cavalry had crossed Pine River and were scattering the 19th corps. The Union cavalry had engaged them and the battle swayed back and forth. The position of the center and the right had now become untenable, so the 8th and 7th corps were also crossing the river. Confusion reigned. The master mind was not there. The army had lost its purpose and its will. But Werritan was coming.

Three miles from Pine River the General and Palo'mine met the first stragglers fleeing from the confederates.

"My God, boys, what are you doing? You are going the wrong way. Come back with me. The battle is not lost. Come back!" If the General said more the stragglers did not know, for he passed them