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Dampier, Captain, 21, 91.
Darien, canal route, 31.
Darien region, 48, 78, 88, 91, 169.
"Darien Song," the, 92.
David, City of, 243.
Davis, Major General George
W., 218.
Devol, Colonel, 221.
Diaz, Bartholomew, 217.
Dirt-train, 190.
"Dooley Mass," the, 164.
Drake, Sir Francis, 70 to 77,
80, 81, 134.
Dredges, 124, 127, 169.
Dumping-grounds, 190.
Dynamite, 188.

Earthquakes, 4.
East Indies, 36, 37, 41, 92, 130.
East Indian coolies, 107, 204.
Ecuador hats, 213.
Eliot, President, of Harvard,
Elizabeth, Queen, 70.
Empire, 190, 217.
Enciso, the bachelor, 51, 52, 55,
56, 57. 61.
Engineers, French, 124.
Esquemeling, Jan, 86.
Excavators, French, 124, 150.
Exotic, the, 177.

Fairy-stories, carried from East
to West, 37.
Ferdinand, King, 48.
Filibustering, 97, 143.
Finlay, Dr. Carlos, 154.
Fire Department, 199.
Fish, 25.
Flat arch, the, in the Church of
San Domingo, 4, 212.
Florida Everglades, 244.
Flowers, 18.
Fonseca, Bishop, 67.
Fort St. Andrew, 92.
Fortifications, 231.
Forty million dollar purchase,
140, 150, 256.
Forty-niners, 98, 99, 100, 187.
Fraternal orders, 200.
Free quarters, 195.

French Canal, as proposed, 118.
French Canal, cost of, 127.
French Canal Company, 114.
French Canal machinery, abandoned,
French extravagance, 123.
French freebooters, 75, 91.
Frijoles, 184
Fundy, Bay of, 9.

Gaillard Cut, see Culebra Cut.
Gatun, 105, 169, 187.
Gatun Dam, 169, 170, 232.
Gatun Lake, 170, 183, 184.
Gatun Locks, 174.
Gatun Spillway, 170.
Gaillard, Colonel, 221.
Gallego, the, 41, 44.
Gallegos, 203.
Galleon Fair, the, 80.
Galveston, 238.
Gambling, 122, 195, 200, 214.
Gamboa, 118, 187.
Garrison, Colombian, 143.
Garrison of Canal Zone, 232.
Gasca, Pedro de la, 134.
George III, 97.
German-made curios, 212.
Gilbert, the poet of the Isthmus,
9, 159.
Gisborne, adventurer, 32.
Goethals, Lieutenant G. R., 231.
Goethals, Colonel George W.,
218 to 226, 229.
Goethe's prophecy, 130.
"Gold Roll," 200.
Golden Gate, the, 235.
Gorgona shops, 100.
Gorgas, Colonel William C, 158
to 167, 218, 219.
Government ownership, 199, 225,
Government of the Canal Zone,
160, 164, 208, 218, 220.
Governor of Panama, 84, 143.
Greeks, 204.
Greeley, Horace, 241.
Guanin, mixture of gold and
copper, 43.
Gulf of Mexico, 130.
Gulf of San Miguel, 61, 67, 91.