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President of Panama, 160, 164,
207, 211, 217, 241.
President of the United States,
218, 190, 230.
Pullman cars, 124.

Quarries, 177.

Rainfall, 169.
Reed, Major Walter, 157.
"Red bug," the, 26.
Retrete, el, 44.
Revolution of 1688, 91.
Revolutions, earlier, in Panama,
133, 137, 138, 139, 207.
Revolution of 1903, 133, 143, 144,
147, 148, 149.
Rio Grande, the, 164.
Roads, 5, 206, 235.
Robber-barons, 133, 138.
Rocky Mountains, 130.
Roosevelt, President Theodore,
117, 147, 148, 208, 220, 247.
Ross, Dr. Ronald, 165.
Rousseau, Mr., Civil Engineer,
U.S.N., 221.
Royal Road, 71, 85, 94, 98, 208.
Runnels, Ran, 139.

Sandy Hook, 232, 235.
Sanitation, Department of, 160.
Santa Anna, Church of, 211.
Santa Anna Plaza, 211.
San Blas Indians, 27, 28, 90, 91,
92, 148, 244.
San Blas Hills, 169.
San Blas canal route, 31.
Santa Cruz, 65, 66, 67.
Santo Domingo, Island of, 38,
41, 49, 51, 76.
San Francisco, 99, 237.
Santiago de Cuba, 150.
Santiago de Palos, 41.
San Juan de Ulloa, 70, 77.
San Lorenzo, Castle of, 78, 83,
San Pablo, 184.
San Sebastian, town of, 50, 52.
Savannah River, 67.

Sabanas, las, 206.
Scorpions, 26, 195.
Scotch colony in Darien, 91 to
Scotch dredges, 124.
Screens, 159, 196.
Sea-level canal, 118, 169.
Seasons, rainy, 10; dry, 13.
Secretary of the Isthmian Canal
Commission, 123.
Secretary of War, 218.
Ship railway, Captain Eads's,
Ship-subsidies, 241.
Ship tunnel, 31, 35.
Shonts, Theodore P., 219.
Sibert, Colonel, 231.
"Silver Roll," 200.
Sisters of Charity, 122.
Slaves, 79, 244.
Slides, 189.
Smith, Bill, steam-shovelman,
195, 199.
Smuggling, 80.
Snakes, 21.
Soldiers of fortune, 138, 207.
"Soo" Locks, the, 178."
South America, 140, 231, 238,
South Sea, the, 6.
Spanish America, 134, 137, 238.
Spanish American War, 140, 153,
158, 220, 231.
Spanish Main, 38, 73, 255.
"Spickety," 207.
Spillway power-plant, 174, 236.
Spreader, 190.
"Star and Herald," the, 100.
Steam-shovels, 168, 188.
Stegomyia mosquito, 158, 160,
163, 165.
Stephens, John L., 100, 102, 107.
Stevens, John R, 159, 219.
Strain, Lieutenant, U. S. N., 32.
Suez Canal, 115, 183, 230, 236,

Taboga, Island of, 88, 113, 114,