Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/104

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DEC. 6.

No change.

DEC. 7.


DEC. 8.

Stock hunting.

DEC. 9.

Building. Stock hunting.

DEC. 10.

Work at building a.m. Went to station & docked 15 lambs, counted sheep etc. A working bullocks etc.

DEC. 11.

Two ships guns heard went down to Bay & on board "Tien Tsin"


DEC. 12.

Assisted to clear the ship of most of the sheep & returned with to W's with Knight & Lukin who wished much to see a little of the country, stock etc.

DEC. 13.

After waiting for saddle came home with Knight & Lukin - calling at station to see sheep with which they were much pleased.

DEC. 14.

Went up river to hunt up and show them cattle.