Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/109

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camped for the night, pools very small, only about 3 ft deep.

JAN. 28.

Ascended Mt. Wellard, & camped on "George" (River) where we found water from late rain, several fine showers during day; & at home a perfect deluge for about an hr.

JAN. 29.

Crossed from George springs to "Sherlock" (River) made it about 4 miles below "Kangan "Kanja"(k) and camped on fine pool 3 miles south w of Redhill.

JAN. 30.

Followed down river to Nairn's crossing, where the water was only about 3 ft deep; we only passed one pool en route — camped on plain east of Jonse's Creek.

JAN. 31.

Returned to Mount's camp, not having seen anything that would suit them, or many others; as the country is very dry, & not a good site for a house homestead in the whole distance travelled. -

FEB. 1.

Came home with Mr. M. (Men at work during absence).

FEB. 2,3,4,5.

Same routine. A looking after Lucy, as Mr. Mount wished to borrow a horse.