Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/134

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OCT. 5.

Rested team.

OCT. 6.

Came home & out after horses. Tucker came back home from shearing, & Taylor whose time is up remained, having cooked for Taylor's party.

OCT. 7.

Horse hunting. Tucker washing up, making brine etc. Thurgood to Mt Welcome for boots. -

OCT. 8.


OCT. 9.

Putting up things for party going with sheep; & down to Mt. Welcome for letters - Taylor after bullocks.

OCT. 1O.

Down to "Mystery" to see Headland.

OCT. 11.


OCT. 12.

Out cattle hunting & to look for runs for sheep, as the country is so dry owing to the long drought, that they will require often moving. Camped at upper river - Gorge.

OCT. 13.

Cattle hunting at "Table Hill", & many miles, mustered 32 head, & camped at "Darling Peak". Suppose some cattle to be at lower run.