Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/143

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Roebourne, February 16, 1895.

"On Monday night last between 10.30 & 11.30 there passed away suddenly & mysteriously from our midst one of the most brilliant, upright, honest & valued lives that has ever lived amongst us, when Mr. William Shakespeare Hall, chairman of the Cossack Municipal Council, & the oldest resident in the district, was found floating lifeless in the Cossack Creek; but a few minutes after he had been cracking jokes in his usual humorous style with a friend. The old gentleman was passionately fond of bathing, and made it a practice to take a dip every night in Cossack Creek, when opportunity offered. Going to a spot on the beach he prepared for his ablution, and recognising Mr. W.A.S. Watts (Clerk of Council) walking along the beach, requested his company in the water. Mr. Watts not caring for cold at that particular time — it had been raining heavily — jokingly declined, and a few words of good-humoured chaff passed between them. Mr. Hall swam towards the steps on the north end of the jetty and Mr. Watts thought he was resting awhile. Wishing to resume the conversation, he called out to him; but received no reply. The call was repeated with no response. Becoming a little alarmed at receiving no answer from so convivial a spirit as Mr. Hall, he hurried to the steps; but could see nothing of him there. His alarm increased by this he reported his suspicions to the police, who