Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/27

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5 young emus. Came on river of considerable size named it the Shaw. Good feed on flats. (poor land between) plenty of water now at night for horses. Camp 64. Lat 21° 20'


(20 ms) About 16 E. found small pool of water in dry stream bed 10 a.m. & running water at noon halt. Also at 4 p.m. & sundown. Country rough & hilly with much triodia Camp 65. Lat 21° 28' (Emu Creek)


(17 ms) 10 E. Travelling S.E. & N. water at noon & again at dusk by digging. Camp 66 Lat 21° 23'.


(5 ms) 3 ms Easting Camped at 10.15 a.m. to rest horses. (As they were looking very bad) On creek running into the hills instead, as it appeared out of them with plenty of feed & water. We saw one native man & three women; who as usual ran away. Camp 67. Lat 21° 20'


Sunday. Longitude by observation 120° 17' 30 E.

Caught an opossum.


12 ms & about 15 with northing. We followed the creek down till it received several tributaries; & became one of the finest rivers in these parts (Named it the Merival) With running water & more luxuriant feed; here it is about 60 yards broard & appears to be deep, extending in